Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Dear Students:
Online grade submission for Spring 2020 is now active.  Our published deadline is Monday, May 18th; however due do COVID-19, grading will be open until Monday, May 25th .

Note: I had to backtrack grades due to late submissions. Some students may be hearing from their counselors.  I will try to have all grades submitted within the next 24 hours. I do apologize about the delay.  Due to the extenuating circumstances this semester students will also have the option for a grade revision. I will post more information on that soon as well. 
J. Reyna

Note: some grades have been posted, check your STC JagNet

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Missing Essays

The following students are missing grades because you didn't complete them or you didn't attach the essay correctly. You will receive a zero if these are not submitted properly through SafeAssign (Microsoft Word Document). Re-Submit ASAP. Incomplete essays have been graded below a passing score.

Note: If you did not complete the full assignment, I suggest you finish before grades are due.

1st Period: 
Banksy Essay (10%):
Alexia Abrego (not turned in)
Avalos, Virginia (incomplete)
Castaneda, Averi (incomplete)
Garza, Victoria (incomplete)
Guerra, Alejandro (incomplete)
Noriega, Caleb (not turned in)
Rodriguez, Nathan (not turned in)
Ruiz, Jonavin (not turned in)
Tijerina, Daysha (not turned in)

Final Essay:
Abrego, Alexia (not turned in)
Castaneda, Averi (incomplete)
Garza, Victoria (incomplete)
Noriega, Caleb (incomplete)
Rodriguez, Nathan (incomplete)
Ruiz, Jonavin (incomplete)
Valdez, Kobe (incomplete)

2nd Period:
Banksy Essay (10%):
Briales, Cecilia (not turned in)
Castillo, Kelsey (not turned in)
Mejia, Angel (not turned in)
Ramirez, Carlos (not turned in)

Final Essay (30%):
Briales, Cecilia (not turned in)
Franco, Rey (incomplete)
Ramirez, Carlos (not turned in)
Arce, Angela (incomplete)
Guerra, Francisco (incomplete)
Castillo, Kelsey (incomplete)
Guardiola, Jacqueline (incomplete)
Mejia, Angel (incomplete)

3rd Period:
Banksy Essay (10%):
Guerra, Bryan (not turned in)
Lara, Eli (not turned in)
Martinez, Clarissa (not turned in)
Guerrero, Andrea (incomplete)

Final Essay (30%):
Lara, Eli (not turned in)
Guerrero, Andrea (incomplete)
Martinez, Clarissa (incomplete)
Salinas, Nikolas (incomplete)
Thomas, Hanna (incomplete)
Perez, Samantha (incomplete)
Andaverde, Janice (incomplete)

5th Period
Banksy Essay (10%):
Mata, Lesly (not turned in)
Rodriguez, Bryan (not turned in)
Salinas, Zael (not turned in)
Stroop, Faralyn (incomplete)
Valdez, Garek (not turned in)
Nunez, Krystyne (incomplete)

Final Essay (30%):
Mata, Lesly (not turned in)
Salinas, Zael (incomplete)
Gudino, Jaelah (incomplete)
Costilla, Ivan (incomplete)
Valdez, Garek (unable to upload file)
Garza, Manuel (incomplete)
Nunez, Krystyne (incomplete)

6th period:
Banksy Essay (10%):
Cantu, Leonel (not turned in)

Final Essay(30%):
Cantu, Leonel (not turned in)
Morua, Ernesto (incomplete)
Requenez, Arianna (incomplete)

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

5/13 FIN

Wrapping up the semester:
  • Check your Blackboard email (some of you don't have grades because you didn't attach your essay submissions correctly)
  • Watch the video
  • Take Departmental Final (on Blackboard/Course Content)
  • Due by: 5/17

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

5/12 Final Week

Grades will be posted by the end of the week (Grades are due Monday 5/18)
  • I need everyone to check their Blackboard email.  I have sent emails to some of you and I haven't heard back.
  • I will be posting a final video
  • Decided to give you credit for the last two response papers

If you have a quiz/s to make up, write a response paper on the following article:
  • Click Here
  • How does the article relate to discussions dealing with rhetoric? 
  • If you need to make up two quizes/write two pages
  • Post under discussion in Blackboard  
  • DUE BY 5/15

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

5/6 Final Essay Submissions

I have been receiving essays via my Blackboard email.  I need everyone to submit via SafeAssign

  • Watch the following video if you haven't submitted through SafeAssign
  • Click Here

Monday, April 27, 2020

4/27 Final Essay

Final Essay Prompt:
  • Post whether you would like a zoom conference or email on semester grades?
  • I might wait to get all of your grades before I zoom, in order to get your final grades (FYI)
  • POST IN BLACKBOARD (Discussion board)
  • Those missing quiz grades, I will assign responses in order to make up the quiz/s

Monday, April 20, 2020

4/20 Announcement

I will be posting a short video discussing final essay and grades, so check back on this blog post.

Quick announcement:
  • Concerns about drops: most of my classes have maintained a decent grade point average, if I have not contacted you already then you should be doing fine in my class (there were issues with attendance but that is no longer relevant) 
  • Update on blackboard submissions: grade on second essay should be available to you this week along with feedback 
  • My immediate concern is that everyone is doing well health-wise, and that your families and friends are doing good also.
  • We will be wrapping up the semester soon
  • Given the extenuating circumstances we are going through, I have considered making some adjustments to some assignments
  •  Again check back for my short video