6th Period

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Erica Tovar
    Engl 1302.SL8

    When I first heard of COVID-19, I remember thinking that it was not going to affect me in any way and that it was no big deal. I was obviously proven wrong. We live in the valley, which is a place where nothing immense usually happens. We’ve been accustomed to living comfortably and in peace, which is why we were not prepared for this worldwide pandemic.
    With the outbreak, we have had to change our daily routines due to social distancing. Schools have been cancelled, business have come to a halt, and we can no longer leave our homes unless it is absolutely necessary. With these new rules, we have had to adjust our way of doing schoolwork, and I personally think I’ve successfully adjusted to the new routine. Now that I have all day to get my assignments done, I have very little stress compared to before. With the new social distancing rule, I take advantage of all the time I have in my hands and get as much work done as possible. Even though this has been a big change to all of our lives, I have managed to adjust to it.
    Something that this outbreak has taught me is that things can change very quickly. After seeing everything that has happened these last couple of weeks, it made me recognize how unprepared the world was. In school we read about plagues and epidemics that have happened throughout history, but we have never put ourselves in those situations. None of us cared about all the deaths that were caused due to these events, at least until it happened to us. Hospitals are short on supplies and the number of cases in the U.S. are rising very quickly. The last time I checked, there were 72 cases in Hidalgo County, but we are only in the beginning. We still don’t know when this will end, and we have no idea what the aftermath will be, but for now, all we need to do is contribute to society by staying indoors and rationing out necessities among each other. Hopefully this serves as a lesson to the world and we make changes for the better.

  3. Michelle Jaramillo
    In the time that I’ve stayed home because of quarantine, the distancing situation for others might seem detrimental for their social life, but I have a lot of friends online that I never have the chance to talk to due to out time differences. Due to the epidemic I’ve been able to communicate with my friends from overseas and as well have been doing just fine without human contact with other than my family. The schoolwork though, I was surprised they were quick to make everything available to the students and how we’re still able to sadly turn in our work and assignments. Overall, this epidemic has not made a drastic change within my life since I like to consider myself as a homebody, someone who enjoys spending time at home, and I’ve been doing just fine.
    With everything happening and our schools going on shut down for this crisis, still hasn’t hit me. I honestly don’t see the big picture, but family members and friends and so on have told me to legitimate problems that have arisen and how people aren’t allowed to leave their homes unless needed to and cant be allowed in largely populated areas without having to careful. Even the week of spring break my boyfriend showed me a website from my county and it had only shown nine people who had been effected by the virus but now the numbers have risen to seventy nine and seem to be growing day by day.
    Before I had not seen this a problem but day by day, realization seems to hit me. I’ve become cautious for my parents because they have no choice but to leave home so we can have an income. I myself have been staying home everyday for the past week or so, have no done anything outside the fencing of my home. My family and I have been holding up decently as of now but I’m worried that my dad will be affected by this since he works in construction. Other than that, everything is going well, we’ve stalked up on the food needed and water, we have food for all our pets and everyone is healthy and seemingly doing well.

  4. Jennifer Juarez
    ENGL 1302.SL8
    Having to be distant from your social life and having to finish schoolwork is really hard for me. Having to stay away from family and friends is unusual because Im a really social person, and having to school work is something I am having a little bit of trouble with. I believe that having school work that we have to do on our own and online is not effective because not only are there students that don’t have internet and electronics but there are students that just cant learn through technology.
    This pandemic has been a big change for me and has had a big change in my life because I wasn’t prepared for this and neither were everyone else. Having to become distant and limit our resources is a really difficult thing to do from one day to another
    I think that this crisis has taught me a lot about the things we normally take for granted an example would be the food we have. In times like these is when we start to realize how little there is in the world. We also sometimes take our homes and family for granted which we shouldn’t because there are people out there here and in other parts of the world that don’t have homes and are more exposed to the harm of this virus due to the fact that they don’t have the protection they should.
    I really dislike this Pandemic we are going through because its coming closer and closer to where we live and it can attack anyone now. Now there are more possible ways of catching this virus and there is still no cure out there. People are surviving this however there are many deaths which is very tragic because they don’t even get to have an appropriate funeral.
    This is a very hard time that we all have to go through however we have to be patient and hope for the best because all we can really do is stay clean and healthy in order to do remain clear of this virus.

  5. Hailey Soliz
    After concluding my first week of online schooling, I would say that I have adjusted to this new style fairly well. Obviously, I miss seeing my friends every day and making memories, but I have to admit that I am really enjoying this new way of learning. Personally, I have never minded public school, but have always wanted to do online school, so I am not bothered by it at the moment. I find that I am able to get work done in a more productive manner due to the fact that I am able to create my own schedule, and can work in a more comfortable setting. While at public school, I would also tend to become easily distracted, therefore causing me to not get my work done and ending up with homework, whereas now I have all day, and less distractions. As for social distancing, I find that to be a little bit harder to cope with. Although I enjoy having time to myself, I also enjoy socializing with my friends and making memories. I can recall several times when I would be invited to hang outs and parties, but wouldn’t go because I wasn’t feeling it, or was simply just to lazy to get ready, but now with social distancing being enforced, I would do anything to be able to hang out with at least one friend
    This pandemic has also brought upon several large changes to my everyday life such as schools and certain businesses being temporarily shut down, not being able to leave the house unless it is deemed as absolutely necessary, and having to follow a curfew of being home by ten. Also, starting Monday, we are being required to wear a facial covering when going out in public, even if it is to do something as simple as putting gas. These new regulations are being handled a very serious manner. For example, after Monday, if you are caught out in public not wearing a facial mask, you can be fined up to one thousand dollars. Although these rules may seem extreme, they are necessary in order to help prevent the virus from spreading, and are being enforced for the greater good.
    After being trapped in my house these past few weeks, I have had loads of time to sit and think about the little things in life that we take for granted. Take school into consideration. Every day more than half of the students moan and groan about having to attend, claiming that is boring being stuck in classrooms all day, and saying that they cannot wait to graduate and get it over with, but now those same kids are begging to go back. I especially feel sorry for the seniors due to the fact that their final year of high school, ever, is now being cut short. These students are possibly never going to be able to experience memorable moments such as prom and graduation. Most students look forward to these two events during their school career, and now, they may never get to participate in them the way they always hoped and dreamed to. I just hope that this pandemic comes to an end soon, and in the meantime, everyone remains safe and healthy. Although it is not the most ideal situation, I am thankful for the eye-opening lessons that the coronavirus has helped me to realize, and I will try my best to not take anything for granted in life.

  6. Arianna G. Requenez
    This week has been very hard as online classes have been put into place but, I think getting used to being in quarantine has made me realize how much we take for granted. We don't realize how much we have until its all gone, and unfortunately we are going through a phase where we have very little freedom due to the severity of this pandemic. Personally, I don't do well with having classes online because I am more of a hands-on learner but, there is nothing I can do about the way things are right now so, all I can do is try my best and hopefully the effort that I am putting in is enough to get me through the year. Although, I am a social person I like being away from people because it eliminates drama and the distractions.
    This quarantine has served its purpose and has made me appreciate life and the little things it offers, not only am I able to work on my own schedule but I am able to get things done around the house that I wouldn't normally have time to get done during the week. Overall, I am glad that I we are being put in quarantine because it has made me realize what my priorities are and all the things that I have taken for granted along the way.
    Overall, my heart goes out to all those families who have gone through losing a loved one due to this virus and I feel bad for the seniors who won't have the opportunity to go to graduation or have an opportunity to make life long memories of their senior year.
    I can only imagine the boredom that all kids must be going through, myself included, but for the time being we can only make the best out of our situation and hope that this all goes away soon. I never thought I would be saying this but, I miss school and my friends and I would give anything to see my friends just once during this quarantine, although we facetime there is nothing like human interaction. Personally, I am not panicking over this virus because I believe that if we are doing what we are supposed to then there should be nothing to fear. I hope that this pandemic comes to an end and that we will get back to our normal lives soon, but in the mean time we can only sit back and take advantage of the resources that have been given to us.

  7. Jarelyn lopez
    ENGL1302 SL8
    The virus hit to America making schools close down and public events as well as places. We have to practice social distancing, so the virus could slow down from spreading, since it has been spreading globally. Social distancing isn’t really effecting me due to me not going out that often expect only going to school and staying after practice.
    All this is really normal to be since I stay home and don’t go out unless with friends. Socializing is what’s really effecting me. I have friends that I miss so much and I wish I can go over to their house and spend time with it but due to the virus I cant. It really made me think about how we should not take things for granted. We should enjoy the time we have with our friends and family.
    I miss school, since it’s a better way to learn and socialize. Doing homeschool is really not fun since it’s hard for me to concrete. I miss going to school every day to see my friends and my teachers. It’s hard to ask for help since the teachers won’t be on and I don’t have a way to explain what my problem is. I rather do everything physical than doing it online.
    I hope everything turns out and we can all go back to school. I miss how things were. If you go to town to get food the streets are dead and it sadden me because the streets use to be busy and filled with people. We need to help each other by staying home and not go out unless it’s necessary. I kind of lost my junior experience due to this virus and I have a lot of work to do. My teachers keep adding more work which is difficult because they don’t explain well to the point I don’t understand.
    I hope this virus teach us a lesson to be clean and safe.

  8. Brianna Lozano

    How does one thing turn into something bigger than what it is? Thats what COVID-19 has done. Its created panic and tragedy all over the world, and sadly there doesn’t seem to be an end to this anytime soon so until then, quarantine it is. This quarantine hasn’t changed much in my life, as long as I have my internet I’m pretty much good with this whole thing. As for my social life, social distancing is something I actually don’t mind. Being able to be away from people is something I’ve wanted for a while, no to annoy me and what not. Ive always hated being around people, unless I’m comfortable with them then I don’t mind, so social distancing isn’t much of a drastic change for me.Unfortunately, our nation cares about grades more than anything so they came up with an elaborate plan to get practically every school in the U.S. to be switched to online school, which I don’t mind its just crazy how they managed to get the switch done so quickly. Doing schoolwork while at home is something I much rather do if were being honest here. Theres not much that we as students can do at this point except follow those orders and complete our schoolwork on time on our own. They’ve made this very clear and easy for us to understand, and us being the “Gen Z” we are, were practically one step ahead of them and are pretty much going by as we please while still getting our stuff done. Not only has this pandemic has brought to light to many issues and problems that should’ve been taken care of or done before this even started, but it has shown us how much we take for granted. We cant even take a trip to the grocery store without having to be covered up and waiting in a line to go in, theres so much this virus has taken away from us and don’t realize it until it is too late. One thing that I do think we have taken for granted the most is that the time we spend with others is precious. Its things like this that make us realize that every second counts whether its a simple hello or even just a smile. Not being able to physically interact with people now besides those that live with you is the only downside to all this, but thankfully the internet has given us the power to continue communicating with one another which is great, but is definitely not the same. We’re simply left with the what ifs and what could’ve been. Personally for me, the hardest thing about this whole thing is that for the month April, I’m stuck celebrating my birthday in quarantine. Its okay with me because obviously our safety and health comes first but it would’ve been nice to have the two friends I do have there with me. Anyways, I think this pandemic has taught us not to take things for granted, nor think that it couldn’t happen to you, it hasn’t hit me personally which me and my family are truly grateful for. You would never think that these types of things would reach our area, but unfortunately is has and thats completely out of our hands. We just have to hope that the more this spreads, the more people start to realize that social distancing and staying home is needed. All we can do is hope that this virus clears up so we can go back to normal living routines.

  9. Angie Molina
    For me, this whole situation has been a little difficult. I remember the first time I heard of coronavirus was when a lot of memes started to pop up.At the time, obviously many of us,including myself,hadn't grasped the severity of the situation and how dangerous the virus was becoming. The matter was taken as a joke,and look at us now.Our school are closed,we have to stay at home,we have curfew,we have to take precautions:wear a mask,gloves,etc. For me,all the change has been difficult to adapt to,especially in the beginning. Usually,I'm not a very big fan of drastic change. This is new to us. We've never experienced anything like this.
    Adjusting to school in this new form,online,has been okay. Without a doubt,I am a hands-On learner,so personally,I prefer being in a classroom with a teacher teaching the lesson in person. However,the online classes aren't so bad. Throughout these weeks of online classes, it hasn't been as stressful. I have plenty of time to do my work on time, and still have extra time to watch like my TV shows. I even get to make my agenda freely, which is weird, because I never planned ahead for anyting. I definitely miss my friends and would do anything to be able to go out. Yeah, we talked, but I feel it's not the same as being face-to-face. During social distancing, there are a lot of times where I'm so bored that I don't know what to do. However, this got me doing new things like painting. This alone time also gave me time to think about my priorities and what we take for granted. To be honest, I hadn't really quite processed the situation happening until yesterday when I went to Walmart for the first time since the outbreak. In my mind, I always thought situations like this only happen in movies. It was strange seeing so many people wearing masks and gloves and all the new regulations that where taking in place. It was an odd sensation to think this is what's it going to be from now on, until there's a solution. Which makes me wonder, why are we in this position to begin with? As time passes and numbers increase, we can see how our government wasn't really ready. Coronavirus forwas left for granted until it reached the US. However, by that time it too late. Another thing Covid-19 teaches us is that things can change in the blink of an eye and there are occasions where we possess no control over it. The only thing you can do is be hopeful, patient, and thankful for what you have.

  10. English 1302.sl8
    Paul Fortuna
    The way schoolwork has been for me is full of procrastination. I used to do lots of it before school shutdown however now that I work from home I am just able to embrace the art so much more and honestly, it is not a healthy thing not at all. I wait till due date and start at 1 in the afternoon then I get bored and play a game of seeing how long I can put it off for before it’s too late. Not good not good at all. Social distancing has been so bad for me as well I never thought I would miss school and want to go back. I mean I don’t but I do miss the people and want to see them. I’m still not too worried about the pandemic I still think people are overreacting, well not about stopping the spread but the severity of the virus itself. However, we’ve got lots of toilet paper and ramen so quarantine isn’t that bad itself plus I get to binge-watch my shows and sleep as late as I can.
    This honestly has not been that great of a change for me it’s honestly how I spend most of my free days I have no social life and prefer not to go out its just more time to do those activities that I didn’t get to because of after school, however tennis is something I miss greatly and was looking forward this season but it’s more than likely getting cancelled so that’s disappointing. What this taught me about taking things for granted is that you never know when your last goodbye may be so you should make all of them memorable. What I am scared of is of this thing mutating for one becoming airborne and two more severe to patients without unhealthy backgrounds like younger people since for now it mainly affects the elderly. I am also a little glad about this and how much it has helped the environment as well as the drop in gas that is crazy to see and also quite beneficial, this was actually good, caused by the government or not.

  11. Enrique Mederes
    English 1302.SL8
    Back when we were still in spring break and it was announced that we would be starting online classes on the 30th I was kind of apprehensive towards the idea. Even when in the school setting, I would procrastinate a lot and just let the assignments pile up, so I would imagine that having to do work in my home would just make my procrastination habit get even worse. Although once the 30th came and the assignments were getting posted I noticed that the work I was being given was surprisingly easy and we were given a lot of time to do them, usually 3-4 days. Despite being given a lot of time to do these assignments I didn’t procrastinate as much as I thought I was, but I still did put some stuff off until the end an example of this would be this very response paper. Overall, I think I’m handling the schoolwork a lot better than I would have if we were still in school.
    As for the social distancing I also thought it would be a pain not being able to talk to my friends in person and just be closed off from society. Although once it started, I didn’t really mind it in fact about a couple days in I actually really started to enjoy it. Most of the days I would just relax, catch up on some tv shows and play video games with friends. I found myself being in a constant positive mood. I guess even though we can’t be around people a break is still a break in my eyes. So, I will say this was a change but a welcomed one.
    I guess one thing we took for granted was being able to freely leave our house whenever we wanted for the simple reason of just wanting to leave our house, but now we can only leave for necessary reasons such as getting food or for medical reasons. I guess we also took school for granted because even though we some of us hate being in class we miss it because we miss our friends and socializing with them in person.

  12. Clarissa Gonzalez
    ENGL1302 SL8

    When I heard about the Corona Virus back in December, I didn't think it was going to affect me. I simply thought of it as another virus like the flu. I didn't believe there was any reason to panic as the virus was mainly in China and hadn't spread to the United States yet. But as the number of cases began to rise, and the number of deaths increased, I realized this wasn't like any other virus. This was a pandemic, one the world clearly wasn't prepared for.
    When my school extended our spring break due to the Corona Virus, I realized how serious the situation was. My school district had never been one to hand out days off. But, unfortunately, the extra week wasn't a break. Edinburg High was quick to set up google classrooms, and my teachers sent us all assignments in order to keep the school year going.
    I know most students prefer online school, but I surprisingly don't. When I was at school, I was forced to do the work. But now that I'm at home, I feel lazy and unmotivated. I tend to leave all my assignments to the end of the day. But on the bright side, I can sleep in late and not have to worry about waking up at 6 a.m. daily.
    Due to social distancing, my parents absolutely refuse to let me outside. They won't even let me fetch groceries from the car or check the mail. I understand their concern, but I think it's a bit extreme. I really miss my friends, too. I haven't seen most of them since spring break, but I rather stay inside than risk having a summer vacation where I can't even leave the house.
    Overall, I took the life I had for granted. I miss school, and I miss socializing with my friends face-to-face. I can only hope this pandemic blows over soon enough.

  13. Noelle Garza



    When social distancing was first mentioned I thought it would be easy since I never really left the house to begin with, but I have since found out that I was wrong. Social distancing has brought about new challenges like excruciating boredom and having to do school online. Although it seems like doing school online would be easier, it is quite the opposite. Online schooling has made it harder to access help from teachers and learning how to use new programs has been slightly difficult. Fortunately, I have managed to find a way to overcome those obstacles and complete my work. As mentioned earlier I am bored out of my mind. There is only so much you can do on your phone. The hours pass but I feel like I am stuck in an endless cycle of nothing. I now realize how much I actually like school. Sure there are things I’d prefer to change about it but in the end I miss it. I miss seeing my friends. I miss hearing the bells ring. I even miss my teachers. School gave me purpose, and now I feel emptiness. I always talked about how much I hated going to school, but this pandemic has put things into perspective. I realize how much the little things matter like being able to buy toilet paper. With all the time I spend watching t.v. I am constantly bombarded with annoying commercials from various companies about the current crisis. I hate having to watch them. They sound so disingenuous. I get the message behind the commercials but I can’t help but cringe while watching them. It’s hard to stay positive with everything that has occurred, but this too shall pass. Although it seems like the Coronavirus has brought out the worst in people there is still some light left in the world. It’s nice to see people helping each other out and doing what they can to support local hospitals and businesses. Overall, I believe that as a whole we will be stronger

    because of this experience. I am hopeful for the day this nightmare will finally end.

  14. Garek Valdez


    Everything that is happening is really crazy and I never thought this would ever happen to me. Since we were put in lockdown and allowed to leave our houses, so we have to do our schoolwork online and turn them in. At first I thought this was going to be hard for me since I didn’t have Wifi at my house. But after trying to do it on my phone, I find out it wouldn’t take too long and I’d be able to do my assignments through my phone. Social distancing is also something that is new to everyone. I’ve been practicing social distancing since we were put in lockdown, because I believe that it plays a key role in stopping the spread of this virus.
    All that is happening right now has been the biggest change I’ve had to endure in my life. It is pretty scary knowing that we have no idea how long this will last and the number of deaths aren’t slowing down. I just want everything to go back to normal.
    The most important thing that this pandemic has taught me is to not fake family time for granted because you never know how long you’ll be able to see your family. For example, right now we are under lockdown and nobody can leave the house. Thus meaning we can’t go see our loved ones. Another thing we take for granted and never thought about was the amount of food that was available to us at anytime we wanted. Now that we can’t go out and get food, people are started to stock up on foods you find at Walmart. This meaning some people aren’t going to be able to have food to eat while under lockdown, which is very scary. The last thing I believe we take for granted is the people that are still working during this crisis. All the “essential workers” still have to work. For example truck drivers still have to go through states just to get all the supplies we need restocked at grocery stores.

  15. Angie Sandoval
    ENGL1302 SL8
    The corona virus has forced us to be in quarantine and because of that it is also forcing us to change many things of our life styles. And one of them is school, we are now forced to do school online due to the distance that we have to have with people. For me personally I have gotten used to the google classroom and doing homework online. Even though I do feel like some teachers have left us a lot homework I believe that the time they give us to complete the homework is enough for us to complete it and it keeps me busy instead of just being in my phone. While social distancing hasn’t been a problem with me, I don’t usually go out but this has taught me to appreciate all of the time that I have spent with my friends and to make us appreciate that we always take for granted even the little details that is school which even if it stresses us a lot we still can see our friends and stress out together. I also believe that I will now take care and appreciate my loved one more from now on since we never know when it will our last time seeing them. I now will take even going out as grocery shopping as something that im lucky to do. This quarantine has been a little bit of a big change but it hasn’t affected me as much as I believed that it would do, but I sometimes feel that I need some human interactions because I feel like I’m going a little bit crazy since I’m just video chatting with them and texting but not actually seeing them face to face. At the end I hope that this comes to an end soon so that all of us can go back to normal and be heathy again without worrying that we could get sick by just having physical contact with someone that is not someone that we know. In conclusion I hope that the corona virus comes to an end so that we can have our normal lives back to what they were before.

  16. Jocelyn Ramirez
    Having to social distance has not been a big challenge for my family and me. Ever since they announced national emergency we have kept our distance with family and friends. It is very upsetting not to see and talk to them, but we still communicate through phone calls.
    I have been able to adjust to the online classes. However, I do think for me, one of the challenges I face would be getting distracted easily. I feel like I would get my schoolwork done faster during the schooldays than now that they are online. My teachers have done a good job of explain through videos or PowerPoints. Some classes are harder to learn through online like my physics and history class.
    This has been a big change for me because I had to stop doing all the outside activities I would normally do. I had to stop going out to eat with my friends. One change that has also happened has been doing online church services. My family has to do services now from home and it is difficult doing a service with no crowd, but we have been able to adjust. Another major change would being stuck at home all day. I might have not gone out a lot before social distancing, but it feels different when you are told you cannot go anywhere because of the virus.
    This quarantine has taught me that we take the smallest things for granted. For example, spending time with our loved ones who might not live close to us or even staying for tutoring because in moments like these we rather be there than stuck at home all day. Another thing I have learned is to appreciate what you have and who you are with because a close family of ours has recently passed away because of the virus. This impact my family’s life tremendously and it is hard to keep hope in between all the mess the world is going through.

  17. Alan Cano



    First off, some of what I will be talking about may come off as rude and idiotic but I’m just going to write what I think. This whole Covid-19 situation to me is idiotic and I could honestly care less about the virus and the current situation of the world. I do feel bad for the people who have fallen victim to the virus or have had loved ones taken from them prematurely, although I feel like this whole virus is blown way out of proportion and this whole “quarantine” thing is not entirely necessary, but since I don’t read news articles in my spare time or even spare them a passing glance, I don’t really know how bad this virus really is for sure. I know a lot of people dislike the quarantine, but it’s honestly the best thing to happen to me this year. It’s just an excuse to not leave the house for anything at all and that’s great for me because I can just use all my newly received free time to binge shows, play games, and ignore google classroom assignments, but not STC because I genuinely care a bit about not failing my genuine college classes. Overall, this has been a really big change, but also a welcome change. My dad now has to work from home, so I get to have him around more than ever before and even he doesn’t seem to be phased by this whole situation besides the whole “toilet paper worry” most people seem or seemed to have. This crisis has taught me nothing about taking anything for granted beside maybe the toilet paper thing, and I honestly see no difference in my life besides having way more free time than ever since I ignore my google classroom and school is closed till further notice, which I wouldn’t mind being indefinitely and maybe cancelling it entirely. All in all, I am happy that the whole Covid-19 situation is currently happening, and it hasn't yet affected me in any negative way, except for my lack of drive to do any google classroom assignments, which will probably ultimately me lead to to fail.

    1. The one with the scientist that turns himself into a pickle? Funniest thing I've ever seen.

  18. Ernesto morua
    ENGL 1302 sl8
    The quarantine has taught me to not take things for granted. Even going outside is something that I took for granted. I never thought that going for a walk or seeing my friends would ever be taken away from me. I didn’t think I would ever say this but if i'm being honest I actually miss school even though it was a pain to wake up early everyday and spend nine hours of my day getting work done. I’m actually sad because at school I would actually socialize with my friends instead of being at home having to keep yourself occupied don't get me wrong i love being home but not for weeks and all day. It’s hard not being able to go out not even to go eat with my friends and family. The only place we can actually go to is to the grocery store. We even have curfew at ten and everyone has to be home by that time and I don’t enjoy this at all.
    This pandemic has taught me not to take things for granted, not even the littlest of things like going out to eat with my family or friends, or even going to the park to walk my dog. We were all used to going out at all times and wherever we wanted, but now officers are also fining citizens who are out of their house for no reason. I never thought we would get to this point and it is sad. I realized that I did take my normal everyday life for granted because I used to say I was bored even though I really wasn’t but now I really am bored at home and I can’t do anything about it. I hope this pandemic will be over soon, but the only way for that to happen is if people do as they’re told and stay home.
    After a few days, I started to feel trapped in my own home.
    This whole change has honestly been a change for many others, as well as for me; however, I am starting to accept the fact that this is reality and it is happening. This virus has taught me many things; one of them is to never take what you have for granted. Another thing is to never stop loving your friends and family. You never know the next time you’ll be able to see them. I wish I had done many things before everything shut down.The valley is one of the most unhealthy places in the U.S and I feel like as citizens of the valley we should be doing our absolute best to protect the ones that may be at risk. I have been doing my best at social distance because I have many loved ones at risk. I used to see my grandma almost everyday and it pains me to not see her as often as I used to, but I understand there's higher things at stake. Although this has been a big change for most people, it hasn't been much for me.
