2nd Period

If you have any questions please submit your questions here.


  1. Jazmin Molina
    ENGL1302 S61
    April 4, 2020
    With the COVID-19 pandemic going around the world it has affected me in ways that I thought it would not do. I thought that this disease wouldn't get to the Rio Grande Valley but as it started to affect more cities and states in the U.S I had to change my mindset. Now that it is here I feel like it affected my education in a way because teachers are assigning a lot of work that when we were in school they would not assign. The workload has taken a toll on me because it is very easy now that we have to stay home to slack off and put homework aside. I also feel like I am not going to learn anything while doing the whole distance learning because I have to be in a class to learn if that makes sense.
    Social distancing for me has been kind of rough because I am used to going to school and having contact with other people and just being social. Sometimes it can get lonely because you’re so used to being around people, but luckily I have two sisters and a dog to keep me company during this social distancing thing. I used to say that I wish I could just stay home all-day and chill. Now that it has become a reality, I regret it because I didn’t know how much school was actually a getaway from home to be with friends.
    This pandemic has taught me not to take things like going outside, going to a friends house, or even taking a walk at a park for granted. Now that we can only leave our house for necessities, it is horrible because we as humans take things for granted but it is only until we lose something we appreciate it that much more. After this is all over I am never going to cancel plans to stay home. On the bright of things I am just thankful to have food, a roof over my head, and be able to spend some much needed one on one time with my family. For me that means everything because during hard times not many people can say that. I hope that everyone stays safe and enjoys their time with their loved ones.

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  3. This new pandemic that is currently going around has been a huge game changer. It effects everybody in so many ways including work, vacations, and education. For me, this is a huge problem because I am not the type of person who can easily learn through online classes and lectures. I have to dedicate myself a little bit more to fully understand concepts that teachers or professors are trying to get across.
    A way my family and I have been practicing social distancing is by simply staying at home. We prepared ahead of time for something like this to happen, so we have all of our necessities. Although I do go to work every day of the week, I work at a 4,000-acre ranch and there isn't any people there but me and my grandpa (we work the whole ranch).
    A very important thing this pandemic crisis has shown me is how much we take ace to face teaching for granted. Like i said earlier, I am not all that great at learning through online lectures, so this whole thing is very difficult. Usually, we go to class, and dread having to go and listen to yet another lecture, but in this current situation, I wish I could have a face to face lecture rather than a lecture through a video camera.
    Although things are bad right now and quickly turning into worse things, nothing will stop us from continuing to move forward and getting through this wild pandemic. Even though this virus will likely never completely go away, I can’t wait for the day where we can go back to school, make human contact again, and not have to facetime all the time. Human interaction is crucial for people to be happy in my opinion, and if we keep taking our precautions and practicing healthy routines, we will be back to a more normal life soon.

  4. Isaiah Aleman
    ENGL 1301 S61
    With the sudden rise of a deadly virus, the lives/routine for many people have been affected. Schools located in Texas have been closed until further notice, transitioning all classes online, grocery stores are limited on the essential items available for the people, and lastly the people are required to stay put, only allowing them to leave for basic necessities.
    Life, for me, has become somewhat complex. The pandemic has implemented a whole new lifestyle that is completely different than before. With all my classes online, I’m required to learn the material on my own, which can at times be difficult. I feel that I understand a lesson more if someone is teaching me, rather than teaching myself. In addition, the homework given so far has been way too much. It’s fair to believe that teachers are trying to help you understand the topic, however I’m sure there are other students who are busy doing other things and don’t have the time to work. In the end, homework does help me comprehend the topic even more than before.
    Before the pandemic arose, items such as tissues, water, toilet paper, and sanitizing products, were always in stock and ready for purchase. With the pandemic, however, this quickly changed. Items of these categories were no longer in stock. The reason this came upon is because of people who panic, knowing there is a virus spreading, and purchase large amounts of each item for themselves. With an abundance of people doing this, these items no longer become available for people who are in need. Going to major grocery stores like Walmart and HEB and seeing how empty some of the aisles are highlights the special items we need to cherish. Luckily, the situation has calmed down due to major companies limiting the amount of items per customer. I would have never thought of a situation where these essential items are limited for all people. Knowing this, it shows how people, including me, take these items for granted when they are right in front, waiting for you.
    This pandemic has really shown how a situation can quickly transition into something that’s out of your comfort zone. Luckily, everyone is in this together and eventually this situation will stabilize and go back to how things were before.

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  6. Ixallana Garza
    ENGL 1302 S61
    APRIL 4,2020
    With the COVID-19 happening all around the world it has affected me for various reasons. For one not being allowed to go out at all is really overwhelming because I was used to going out very often with family and friends and now, I can’t see anyone besides my parents and my brothers and my dog. I never excepted for the virus to get this big much less reach the Rio Grande Valley. But as more people around the world got infected the quicker it started to spread here. This affected my schoolwork a lot because now we have to use google classroom which I had never used before. Teachers are giving more work than they did when we were in school and it’s harder to get access to our teachers though online than it was in class. I’m also a visual learner so reading instructions and having to teach myself isn’t the best for me and it hasn’t been the easiest. Although it has been hard, I make sure to get all my classwork done before it’s due.
    Social distancing hasn’t been the easiest for me I was used to being around people every day especially when I went to school, I was used to seeing my friends every day. I was also used to getting together with all of my family once a week on the weekend. But ever since this happened and we’re supposed to be in quarantine I can’t see any of them. I never liked going to school but now I do miss getting out of my house even if it’s just going to school.
    This pandemic was a big change for me I do love being home but not for weeks and all day. It’s hard not being able to go out not even to go eat with my friends and family. The only place we can actually go to is to the grocery store. We even have curfew at ten and everyone has to be home by that time and I don’t enjoy this at all.
    This pandemic has taught me not to take things for granted not even the littlest of thing like going out to eat with my family or friends, or even going to the park to walk my dog. We were all used to going out at all times and wherever we wanted, but now officers are also fining citizens who are out of their house for no reason. I never thought we would get to this point and it is sad. I realized that I did take my normal everyday life for granted because I used to say I was bored even though I really wasn’t but now I really am bored at home and I can’t do anything about it. I hope this pandemic will be over soon, but the only way for that to happen is if people do as they’re told and stay home.

  7. Lizbeth Raya
    Response Essay 6
    2020’s Life Changing Pandemic
    Throughout my life, my eyes have seen hurricanes destroy homes, diseases, like Ebola, demolish bodies, tropical storms ravage cities, but never had I witnessed a pandemic so detrimental that counties had to go on lockdown.
    When I first heard the word “coronavirus” I assumed it was just a meager cold, since the symptoms were similar to the ones found in influenza. However, I couldn’t help to notice that the situation was getting out of hand and the cases began to pile into mountains. From late December until now, images of the coronavirus and its claimed victims are the only things displayed wherever a screen is present. By the time I knew it, my track coach was talking to us about how our season was going to be cut short because cases were appearing in Texas. I kept hope in my heart, hope that a cure would be found and by the time spring break was over I’d be back in school running in the mornings and learning during the day. Unfortunately, that was not the case; in fact, I still do not know when I can even go out in public and socialize without having to be 6 feet apart from a person.
    My life has turned virtual, every single piece of classwork is done online and submitted online. Understanding complex lessons without having a teacher present to answer your questions is like having a blindfold on while you try to find an isolated house in a large forest. Classes like PreCal, Economics, and AP World History where instructors need to clearly explain lessons have turned into mazes. Although the community is making efforts to cope with the present circumstances, it has been a difficult journey. I no longer have the privilege of physically talking to anyone, I cannot visit anyone, I can not go out unless I have a mask on, and I can not go out after 10:00pm, or before 5:00am. With these restrictions set, many students have found themselves in a pool full of regret because they now realize the large amount of privileges and teachers, they took for granted. Conversely, I appreciated the hard-working teachers I was gifted with. While some didn’t enjoy them working us down to the core every single school day, I thanked them for putting time, effort, and thought into every lesson. I know that once we are allowed to continue with the lives we had before this misfortune I will savor everything far more.

  8. Karla Mendez
    April 3, 2020

    Response Paper No.6
    When I found out about the virus spreading to different states, it seemed very weird to me. It felt unreal, yet I was still conscious of what was happening. However, when this pandemic spread and entered Edinburg, it seemed very unreal to me, and it still does. It was a kind of unreal that you’re not conscious of what is true or not.
    When it comes to schoolwork, I feel like it has been easier for me, except for my Texas Government and my Pre Calculus class. When it comes to these two classes, it is much easier for me to do face-to-face lectures than online lectures. However, I am slowly starting to adapt to the fact that this is happening, and doing these classes online is necessary. I am also adapting to the fact that social distancing is something that I should. I have been doing alright with social distancing. After a few days, I started to feel trapped in my own home.
    This whole change has honestly been a change for many others, as well as for me; however, I am starting to accept the fact that this is reality and it is happening. This virus has taught me many things; one of them is to never take what you have for granted. Another thing is to never stop loving your friends and family. You never know the next time you’ll be able to see them. I wish I had done many things before everything shut down. This has been hard for me because I just miss how things were before everything happened. It would be nice to go back to school and see my friends and teachers, however, I doubt that it is going to happen anytime soon.
    This pandemic has caused many things, such as death, and it is very saddening to see that this is happening in this world, however, I do somewhat feel like this is something that will make our society stronger than ever before.

  9. Margith Jimenez
    April 5,2020
    Response #6 COVID 19
    The world has gone into chaos regarding the virus covid 19 as it was confirmed a pandemic early this year,thus; we are being told to quarantine and stay home while also keeping up with our studies. Personally it has been very difficult for me to finish my school work because it's very difficult for me to properly concentrate at home having so many distractions. I feel very overwhelmed as I am receiving a great deal of work from all my teachers.
    Social distancing though has not been a problem. There are quite a few interesting things for me to do because I have so many pets like my rabbits, chickens, and birds I can be with during the day. I try to be as productive at home although it is difficult for me because im not used to it. I understand we must follow certain regulations set up to be safe. Although I do sometimes get bored from being inside I can turn to my school work to entertain me for a couple hours.
    Coping with this pandemic has had many twist turns because I did not believe it was as serious but seeing how things are turning up I feel very worried and overall upset that important events such as, attending weekly mass and going out places with friends have been cancelled.
    It has definitely been a shock to me and my family because we have had to change our daily routines. It has made me realize that I take many things for granted such as, going to mass and cce on weekends, going out with friends to play sports, visiting family, and going out to stores without a care. It would be a blessing to be able to continue doing these activities all over again and all those people who have tragically been suffering greatly from the virus or lack of supplies get better soon. It would be nice to be able to return to school and continue our education as I have always preferred hands on and demonstrations when being taught new materials.
    Hopefully this crisis ends soon and we are able to return to our daily lives and appreciate more the things we took for granted.

  10. Olga Magana
    Response Paper #6

    I don’t think the pandemic has become real to me yet. Thankfully the valley has not been affected as much as other states or towns in Texas but, it has still been affected and the issue is still prominent. What truly has hit me is the amount of fear people have when you see them in the groceries store, pumping gas, and even your neighbors. The transition from constantly going out for food with my friends, late night Target runs, going thrifting on the weekends, even meeting to do homework to not being allowed to leave your house because your health depends on it has affected me the most. I constantly compare the way I live now to how I used to and question what I would be doing right now if none of this were real. Which has made me realized how much I’ve taken for granted, essential things in my life that I never knew I would have to learn to live without. I never knew how much toilet paper was really needed until I had to go to Mexico to get some because my family couldn’t find any here. Along with water, milk, eggs, soap, this list could go on forever. Transitioning to online school was not as difficult as I would’ve thought, I know many of my peers hate online school and miss going to school and I might be one of the few that prefer it. School added a lot of unnecessary stress but there are some factors that I do miss and regret taking for granted, like having a teacher physically present in front of me teaching where I could easily ask them a question and get an answer in less than a second. I miss the accessibility and having the comfort of my teachers when I didn’t understand an assignment and I knew I can walk up to their desk and simply ask for help. I know this virus is far from gone and there will continue to be misfortune after misfortune and all I can do is stay home, practice social distance, and hope that other people are doing that too. I am hopefully waiting for the day this has passed and we are free to enjoy the world again.

  11. Evelyn De La Cruz
    When I first heard of the virus, I didn’t think much of it. Social media, as it often does, made a joke of the situation and I hadn’t seen the potential effect it would have on my life. I listen to the news every morning and as time went on I started to realize talk of COVID 19 engulfed every station and every channel. When I finally realized just how impactful the virus would be, it was too late. The matter of social distancing and online schooling made me anxious. I have spent most time trying to get myself organized in order to continue succeeding in class, but I worry that spending all my time at home will decrease my productivity. It has been difficult for me to acclimate to this new reality.
    This has definitely been a change for me. Before the quarantine I didn’t do any work at home. Some days I got to school early or went home late in order to get my work done. I much preferred doing work at school and I felt there was more resources, but now I have no choice. It is hard for me to stay concentrated at home and is not a familiar environment from a working standpoint. Although being rough at first, it has also helped my mental health. I feel at school sometimes we get filler work or spend time in class not doing much. This time is taken out of our days still and we have to find a way to work around it. The distance learning has made it available to do work at my own pace. Therefore, relieving stress that I often feel during normal schooling.
    The main thing I’ve realized we take for granted is seeing our teachers in person. I realized that at school I don’t take advantage of our teachers availability and now that it’s gone I wish I had it back. There’s really nothing more. I could say freedom and the ability to go where I wanted, when I wanted, but other than school there isn’t many places I have to be. The resources at school has been the thing that I’ve realized I’ve taken for granted to most. Overall, our current state is something to adapt to and learn from.

  12. Jaqueline Ochoa
    Engl 1302 S61
    When the CO-VID 19 first came up in China, I thought it would have taken a while to get here to the Rio Grande Valley. The virus showed up in this area a lot faster than I expected. When we left school for spring break, I didn’t think school was going to be completely cancelled. When I learned that we weren’t going back to school, I was really disappointed. I didn’t want to start doing school online at all. I feel like being in a classroom without any distractions is a lot better for learning than being at home. At my house, I can’t focus as much due to noise outside and my mother constantly walking into my room. Knowing that I have all day to complete assignments has also led me to procrastinate a lot. I’ve been trying to get out of the habit of leaving assignments to the last day, but it hasn’t been working out for me. I’m pretty sure I’ll never complain about going to school again.
    I think that this quarantine has socially affected all of us. Ever since spring break started, I’ve only been with my close family. I haven’t gotten to see my friends at all, and I also haven’t been able to spend time with my dad. My parents decided that until this quarantine is over, my siblings and I will stay with my mom. This is affecting me a lot because I’m used to seeing my dad at least once a week, so not seeing him in a month really has me down. I call him once every other day, but it’s not the same. I hate being at my house all day. It feels like I haven’t left my house in years.
    This pandemic has taught me not to take the smallest things for granted. Whenever my mom goes grocery shopping, she’s usually gone for hours trying to find what she needs for the next week. She’s told me that she’s had to go to several stores to find basic necessities like toilet paper, laundry detergent, and water. This shortage of food has gone down a little due to grocery stores limiting the amount of food a family can take. I hope that this pandemic doesn’t last too long and that we can all go back to our regular lives soon.

  13. Joshua Martinez
    Never would I have thought in a million years, I'd be experiencing a world historical event. An event I am sure will be brought up many years from now, which is just crazy to think I'm living in it right now. Seeing charts and graphs everyday in the news since the beginning of the year is quite surreal because I'm used to seeing the usual weather forecast of the day. Everytime I log into whether it be a news outlet, social media app, and school websites, there it is, COVID-19. This pandemic has really channeled something in me I have never felt. I have to tell myself "this is real'' several times before waking up, which I find in itself terrifying. Although it hasn't hit the valley the hardest yet, I'm still furious that not enough of us are taking this seriously. Seeing almost no one social distancing is infuriating to the least, because there are so many people at risk. The valley is one of the most unhealthy places in the U.S and I feel like as citizens of the valley we should be doing our absolute best to protect the ones that may be at risk. I have been doing my best at social distance because I have many loved ones at risk. I used to see my grandma almost everyday and it pains me to not see her as often as I used to, but I understand there's higher things at stake. Although this has been a big change for most people, it hasn't been much for me. I'm use to staying in my room days on end, because during the summer I never really do anything. I haven't had too many solid friends that wanted to hang during the summer and my parents aren't the vacation type. Having school work during this will be draining, for I feel like my mental health and physical health are not being prioritized. Having exams still going on is kind of scary to think about, because what if one of our loved ones passed away and we're not given anytime to deal with it. The school system has brainwashed us into thinking our grades and resume matter more than our own health. This pandemic has taught me to never stop loving your loved ones. I will never take any of my friends and family for granted, I love them to death and have no idea what I'd do without them.

  14. Angela Arce
    During this pandemic it has been harder for me because we are getting more work than we usually get when we are at school, but I also like it because it means that I don't need to wakeup very early anymore.
    When I found out that there was no more school until further notice I was very excited, but after a while I bacame sad because I wouldn't be able to see my friends and I would still have to do my school work. After a while I got used to the amount of homework that I have been getting.
    A big change has occured becuase now I can do my homework at whatever time of the day, and I don't have to turn it in during a specific period since it is due at whatever time you want as long as it is turned in before 11:59p.m. I am also able to spend more time with my family, and I am ver happy for that because I have a lot of family in San Antonio, Houston, and here in the valley and if I were to lose any of them to this pandemic i would be very heartbroken because my family are my loves and I don't know what i would do without them. I am also very scared because my brother< whom I am very close to lives in San Antonio and he works at a place where many people go to, and it scares me because I don't want to lose him so I pray for him and the rest of my family every night. Even though we say that if God says that if its our time to go, then its out time, but I am still verry scared and worried because if he chooses to take any of my family members, then I would have a person who is always in my heart missing.
    I have taken for ganted being ale to be with my friends and being able to learn from a teacher in person when others might not be able to have that. I have also learned to always cherish the people that I love and care for because you can lose them at any time and any place.

  15. With the random hit of covid-19 across the world, many people had to quickly adjust to new ways of working and interacting with people. For me as a student and a teenager this has been pretty hard but also has been kind of helpful. Quarantine has its positives and negatives, then being online school, socializing and the effect on jobs of people around me.
    As a teen in high school, it has been so refreshing that our spring break has been extended longer. Going to school and having to deal with heavy amounts of work plus homework have always been that heart of my stress. Now because of the Corona virus all I get is homework which is completely fine by me. All my assignments are given through Google classroom which does a nest job of showing you what has to be done, what’s not done, and if work is late. Along with this my teachers have been extremely cooperative sending videos of explaining the work, setting up zoom chats and being understanding with our situation.
    Although not going to school has been very fun, it is where I would socialize with a lot of teachers, people and friends. Being used to that every day and then quickly changing to not being allowed to interact with people has had its effect. Social distancing very much sucks, I can’t see my friends, we can’t hang out anymore, go to the park or even go to one of their houses. I wouldn’t curse my worst enemy with social distancing, that’s how bad it is. Not only that but it was my grandmas birthday a few days ago and we couldn’t even celebrate it.
    With social distancing, people with not essential jobs are being sent home resulting in an economic downfall. Many people can’t afford living without a job and cannot pay bills, rent, or even food. Also the same with essential workers, we now see who are the people that keep our country moving like truck drivers, grocery store workers and mainly doctors, nurses, even janitors who keep the hospitals clean. These are all the people we have taken granted for.

  16. Before I began talking about this coronavirus situation, I honestly never expected something like this to happen at all. It really crazy how just in a few weeks this virus began spreading everywhere and infecting/killing thousands and thousands of people. The craziest thing about it is that we are in lockdown because of it that’s when you know this whole virus situation is really serious. People can’t go out if its not for necessary items such as food, personal items, or for work.
    The way I’m coping with schoolwork and social distancing during this pandemic is making myself a schedule. Around 8am I wake up take a shower, eat some breakfast, and put on some work out clothes. Around 11:30am I go do my workout in my garage and around outside in my backyard just to at least get a bit of air. After that I go shower again and change into something comfortable, go to my desk, and start doing my work for my classes and do any notes I have to do. I usually do most of my assignments two days before they are supposed to be turn it that way, I don’t have to stress about it as much and also, so all my work doesn’t pile up. In my opinion this virus has change me a lot because now i need to be more on top of myself and what I do.
    Lastly, this whole crisis taught me to never take going out to places and to school for granted. I honestly hated school a lot and I wanted to just stop going. But because all this whole crisis it made me think a lot and showed me that school was and still is a big part of my life. That’s basically where I am most of the day every week. It also made me think about never saying “no” to someone that invites me to go out. I’m usually a person that just likes staying at home, but this whole virus thing made me change my mind about that. It made me realize that we need to enjoy our lives when we can because things like this can ruin it big time.

  17. Odalys Trevino Salinas
    ENGL 1302 S61 Response 6
    Being in quarantine has brought many issues upon myself. For example, not going to thrift stores and getting my hands-on beautiful deals. This is like a surprise to me because I’m not somebody that goes out so I should be at least ok being inside but is not like that. I’m getting fed up with being in my room and living a routine of washing just the necessary and then taking a shower, and then going to sleep. I mean I got bad habits going on now because of the pandemic. I can also say that my life in a way went down in drastic ways socially and academically. For example, I miss two assignments of one of my college class. Being inside my house has also change me big time because I became an addict to just reading stories in Ficfun and playing interactive stories. Just saying it brings chills down my spine because during these times I would be most likely watching videogames and hearing hard metal music not watching romantic stories and obsessing in completing a reading and hearing to romantic music. I believe that personally these times are going to affect me in a great thing with my personality. One thing that I can say which great affirmation is that I somehow do miss school but only because of personal needs like friendship relative. Another thing that I always take for granted is being at school every day but somehow , I say this again, I would prefer to be at school because although my parents don’t fight any more like they used to is a pain when they do and being at school means that I can get drained of my energy and it also means that when I go to school and I get my energy drained means that I get to go to bed faster and not deal with anything like that. I could also say that life is going to get worse with the days if this pandemic doesn’t end not only because I must stay home but because I wanted to play a videogame with my older brother

  18. The week before we left for Spring Break, I could clearly remember hearing about COVID-19 in China, and how the government was doing everything to stop it from reaching the United States.. To be honest, it seemed so foreign to me. I continued living life as if we were invisible to such deadly viruses like the COVID-19.
    As a family, we continued with our Spring Break plans and took our RV to South Padre Island, because in our minds we thought, “It’ll be a long time before it gets here, and that’s if it ever gets here..” Oh boy, did it get here sooner than we thought. By the time we went back home at the end of that week, schools were shutting down, all sporting events were being canceled, stores were running out of essential home items, and people were told to practice social distancing because there were CIVID-19 cases popping up all around the Rio Grande Valley. That’s when I realized we weren’t invisible at all.
    Upon our return home, I remember trying to watch television shows, but there were news conferences being televised throughout the day that would take the space of regular shows. State and local governments were enforcing mandates such as closure of restaurant dinning rooms and shelter in place for non-essential employees.
    It’s now been 2 weeks of staying home and continuing to learn through different “Distance Learning” methods. It has been very difficult to adjust to this “new normal”. Home is supposed to be a place for family relaxation and a time to recharge from work and school. In a blink of an eye, our home suddenly transformed into a little bit of everything; a school for learning, a place of work for my parents, and a shelter in place. I had taken for granted the freedom we had to jump into our cars, at whatever hour of the day, and go wherever we pleased, whether it be for business, school or pleasure.
    Like anything else, change is extremely difficult to deal with. Nevertheless, for the sake of humanity we must somehow adjust and do whatever is in our power to minimize this pandemic.

  19. Rey Franco
    Engl 1302 S61
    The week before we left for Spring Break, I could clearly remember hearing about COVID-19 in China, and how the government was doing everything to stop it from reaching the United States.. To be honest, it seemed so foreign to me. I continued living life as if we were invisible to such deadly viruses like the COVID-19.
    As a family, we continued with our Spring Break plans and took our RV to South Padre Island, because in our minds we thought, “It’ll be a long time before it gets here, and that’s if it ever gets here..” Oh boy, did it get here sooner than we thought. By the time we went back home at the end of that week, schools were shutting down, all sporting events were being canceled, stores were running out of essential home items, and people were told to practice social distancing because there were CIVID-19 cases popping up all around the Rio Grande Valley. That’s when I realized we weren’t invisible at all.
    Upon our return home, I remember trying to watch television shows, but there were news conferences being televised throughout the day that would take the space of regular shows. State and local governments were enforcing mandates such as closure of restaurant dinning rooms and shelter in place for non-essential employees.
    It’s now been 2 weeks of staying home and continuing to learn through different “Distance Learning” methods. It has been very difficult to adjust to this “new normal”. Home is supposed to be a place for family relaxation and a time to recharge from work and school. In a blink of an eye, our home suddenly transformed into a little bit of everything; a school for learning, a place of work for my parents, and a shelter in place. I had taken for granted the freedom we had to jump into our cars, at whatever hour of the day, and go wherever we pleased, whether it be for business, school or pleasure.
    Like anything else, change is extremely difficult to deal with. Nevertheless, for the sake of humanity we must somehow adjust and do whatever is in our power to minimize this pandemic.

  20. Kelsey Castillo
    Response Paper #6
    When the virus first started spreading back in November 2019, I don’t think anyone thought it would get this bad to the point where it became a whole pandemic and people are being forced to stay inside for longer than a month.
    Personally, I’m handling the quarantine pretty well. I think what is helping me is not watching the news very often. I’m keeping up with what is going on, but I’m just not watching the news because it gives me anxiety. My family is also another thing that is helping me a lot. My mom, my sister, and I have a good connection so we can all talk to each other. All of us are helping each other during this time, and I am very grateful for them. I know many people are not very close with their family members so I appreciate that during a time like this I have them
    I’ve been keeping myself busy with the homework that I have to do. It is really the only thing I have to do, so I might as well get it done early. Sometimes I have trouble getting some of the homework done, but it is because I learn better with examples and questions. I need to see examples of how the work should be done. Usually there is example for the work I have been getting but when I have a question, I understand better with a face to face explanation. I have been getting the work done though, so that is all that counts.
    Social distancing for me also isn’t really bothering me. I would usually never go out anywhere except when I would go to the stores with my mom, so I’m used to staying inside a lot. Don’t get me wrong, my mom lets me go out, I just don’t like going out and being around people. If anything, I do miss going to visit my grandma. I’ve been calling her often, but I miss seeing her. She lives with my grandpa, but he is sick and doesn’t really like talking, so I make sure to call her so she doesn’t feel super lonely during a time like this.

  21. Arianna Guerra
    During this world pandemic, I've had to learn to adapt from my normal life-style of waking up everyday to go to school, learn, and participate in my extra circular activities. To a new daily routine of staying home and just learn. I know that every family in the world is struggling with having to adapt to this change. Some families are worried on how they're going to make money now that they can't work, the fear of loved ones getting sick, or even if they have enough food to provide for the whole house- hold. COVID-19 has really made life difficult for the American people and we feel as if this virus has taken everything away from us. However, it's not the end of the world; this is nothing more than a life lesson we all must learn from. I believe everything happens for a reason, and that this came upon us to make us all stronger and really unite as the strong individuals we all are. Because when times get tough you don't just give up; you work harder. Having to accept the fact that i can't see anyone other than the people in my house hold has been hard for me, but i do know the social distancing we are practicing is for the best. I had grown so used to the fact that I'd be surrounded by people everyday. That it never crossed my mind; what if one day it all stopped? What gets me through this crisis is the fact that one day, when this is all over, the world will be thriving again. At the end of the day all we can have is hope for the people that are sick to get better, and for our scientists and medical field help them to it. Nothing is more important than having a positive mind set to get through the hard days. This has been a huge change for me due to the fact that i had many things going on in my live to keep me busy. School really occupied my time and i loved it. Now i have lots of free time on my hands; leaving me confused on always what to do next. This crisis has taught me many things. One way is to look at everything as if its my last and to always give my 110%. Because you never know what life may throw at you. This crisis has also taught me, to appreciate the time you spend with loved ones. Because you never know when you'll see them again. Last but not least, one thing I'll never take for granted again is the privilege of attending a public school. As much as we all complain about waking up early to be in several different classrooms filled with students for 8 hours . It's something that not everyone gets to experience.

  22. Jacqueline Guardiola
    Engl 1302 S61
    Response Paper 6
    For some students who have college class, we are most familiar with blackboard and other websites. However, not every teacher or student had to upload their work or lesson online, making it hard for the teacher and students. The way I have been dealing with schoolwork has been frustrating because I am more of a visual person, as I need to see what the teacher is doing in order for me to understand the material. So, having the lessons online, without any videos on how to work on a problem, is really complicated for me to understand what the question is referring to. Personally, I have health problems, in which I was forced to stay in my room, and not see my family, for two weeks due to this pandemic. At first it was really difficult as I had nothing do to or someone to play with, but later on I had to understand that it is the only way we could protect ourselves from getting this disease and only going out when we need to.
    This has definitely been a big change, since we didn’t see anything like this before, not even with the Ebola virus. The fact that stores were emptied out the next day we got out of school is crazy and, in a way, normal for people to react. Also, the amount of laws that are being passed due to this pandemic, like nobody could be out by 10 p.m.
    What this crisis has taught me the things I take for granted is being in school. Like, even though I get annoyed by the amount of work I have for each class, I miss being able to be around my friends, classmates, and even some teachers. Like I said before, the only way to make this crisis pass faster, is by staying home and if we go out, we have to make sure it is only for necessities.

  23. Elysian Gomez
    When I first heard about the virus in January, I really didn’t think anything of it. I saw a bunch of memes about it on meme pages on Instagram and laughed when I saw them. When late February came along and the first confirmed case of the virus appeared in the United States, I became a little bit concerned because I wondered what would happen if it were to spread down here. Then the week before spring break came and cases were appearing left and right and places started closing. Within a week of everything being normal and everybody being able to whatever they want, places started limiting how many people could be there, schools started closing, dining in wasn’t an option, and you weren’t allowed to gather in large groups anymore.
    I have been coping with the virus by staying home and playing a lot of video games, spending a lot of time on social media, and texting and FaceTiming my friends. I noticed that I have taken so many things for granted in the past such as being able to socialize and have the freedom of going places. I actually had to spend my birthday here at my house and was not able to go out to dinner with my family since everything is closed. This has been a huge change for me because my extended family and I always go to my grandparents’ house every Saturday night and have a barbecue and talk about our week. We haven’t been able to do this for the past two weekends and it has hurt us because we are all so close to each other.
    On the flip side, this virus has taught me a few good things such as not to take anything for granted and to appreciate everything I have while I have it. I miss being able to walk the halls of my school and learning in a physical classroom because this online learning isn’t helping me at all. Before the virus, we never used Google Classroom and we didn’t use Blackboard in my STC classes either. I have noticed that I have become a lot lazier and am more inclined to procrastinate as well.

  24. Angel E. Mejia
    Response 6
    How are you coping with schoolwork and social distancing during this pandemic? It is safe to say that these are hard times for everyone including student and adults. To slow down the spread of infectious diseases several social distancing measures are used, including the closing of schools, workplaces, quarantine and the cancellation of mass gatherings. We are in a situation we have never encounter before, yet we are continuing to move forward by using other methods such as online classes.
    The quarantine has been a big change for everyone, we are told to stay home limiting the things we can do at home. Many schools and places have adapted to the new circumstances the pandemic brought. For example, the schools are now assigning online work for students to continue learning although some of us can say we were better off without the extra pressure that comes with homework. Harvard and top universities just switched over to pass fail. Grades for them are gone those school realize that during this pandemic they can not expect their students to be giving their one-hundred percent.
    This crises has also shown us that we have become so used to our day to day life that we don’t know how to properly behave. People are over stacking food leaving very little for others. Not only have people panic but there is a lot of fake information that has led people to be scared. We need to calm down and take a moment to realize that things will get better if we follow the orders they’ve giving us. We have taken for granted a lot of things such as having a teacher in front of us that can teach us or being able to go out. This pandemic will teach us a lot of things for the future so that we can be more prepare if anything like this ever happens again.
