3rd Period

If you have any questions please submit your questions here.


  1. Suzan Hernandez
    3rd period
    ENGL1302 SB8
    In all honesty, we all have our own way of coping. Now that I think about it, my way of coping with this is by staying strong, and being safe. My schoolwork has been crazy, but I am keeping up with it. The only thing I dislike about the online classes is that I always wait until the last minute to do my work, and that is not like me. Other than that, everything else has been good. As we, all know social distancing is hard for some people, because they do not like it. What they do not understand is that it is good for them, we are all trying to be safe during this pandemic, and we would not want anyone to be in danger just because you do not want to listen to the rules.
    Yes, this has been a big change for me. I just cannot believe that this is happening. I understand that there has always been very dangerous diseases, and viruses out here in this world, but I never would have thought that a virus this big would keep us all quarantined, and having little to no resources. All we can do is stay focused, and be prepared for any kind of possibilities, because anything can happen. It is crazy to think wow; this virus is tearing everybody apart. For example, people are literally fighting in stores to get the last toilet paper, or water, and it just shows how people are willing to do anything just to get what they want.
    This crisis has taught me that any little thing is being taken for granted. People think that this is some kind of joke, and are not taking it seriously. They think nothing will happen to them, and will break the rules just so they can have anything they want, or need. Everyone needs to stop taking this stuff for granted, because there will soon be nothing for us to have in our household. All I am saying is that is very hard for people to even afford every kind of resource they need for this type of outbreak, so stay safe, and just listen to the rules.

  2. Mariana Alanis
    Engl 1032 SB8
    Response 6
    Being in quarantine is really boring and I don’t like it all. I don’t like being at home all day long. The only place where I’m allowed to go out to is my ranch, even then I can’t handle the amount of boredom that I am experiencing. I think being at my house all day long is a big change because I would spend most of my day in school or doing some sort of activity that didn’t deal with me being home. Now that we can’t go to school, I really miss it and I want to go back to school. I miss going to school because I got to see my friends and if I need extra help on an assignment I could ask for help physically. Going to school would make my day go by faster and now that I am at home all day long the days seem like they’re never ending. I don’t think that I am coping with the social distancing well enough because I feel like I am going to lose my mind. Even though social distancing isn’t enjoyable, I have to take it serious because there’s no need to in danger myself by getting the virus. I am always telling my parents to take the precautions when they go to the store to buy food or any essentials. It’s scary how everything happened so quickly and how our lives transformed in a matter of days. I like the fact that the school is using google classroom to give us assignment because we get to do it on our own time. I like the fact that I can do all the assignments in the morning and have the afternoon for myself. I think that I am coping well enough with the homework that the teachers are assigning because the work load isn’t stressing me at all and I find that I have some good management skills. This crisis has taught me to be more cautious about the virus and to be more aware of certain situations like this one. These past few days, I have been watching the news and trying to do anything to prevent from getting the virus. This virus taught me that I should not take granted the food we have because there is not a lot of food left in the stores. Also, how we should be grateful for the framers who are working and trying to provide us with more food. I think one thing that I took granted was having the ability to go out with friends and the enjoyment of making memories with them. I hope everyone stays home where they’re safe, this quarantine will be over sooner than later and we can go back to living our normal lives.

  3. krystal Rubio
    The coronavirus first broke out in China, but due to traveling and people coming into contact with someone who had the virus, the virus has now affected many across the globe. The virus has affected us in many ways, thousands have died, many are left unemployed, and students now have to do school online and at home. Some of the ways we are now protecting ourselves are practicing proper hygiene, social distancing, and staying at home.

    Doing school work online has definitely been a challenge because it’s something we have never had to do before. We are now having to get use to checking our classes daily, watching lessons posted online, and doing work online. We are so used to a routine, which is waking up early, going to school, learning in a classroom, and getting homework given to us directly, we are now having to break this routine and having to get used to a new one. Doing online school is a challenge but, it will eventually get easier.

    We are now ordered by the governor to stay away from large gatherings and if we do go out in public to maintain a distance of six feet from other people. This has also been very hard not only for me but, for others too. We are used to going out in public to eat, shop, watch a movie, and hanging out with friends and family. Not being able to do these things limits us and of course we don’t like to be limited to doing certain things, so this is going to affect us big time.

    This has been a huge change for my family and I and I’m pretty sure it’s also been a huge change for others across the globe. This is a new lifestyle that we are having to get used to, and we can sometimes feel overwhelmed because we are having to adjust to a different set of rules we are being given.

    This crisis has taught me that I need to take advantage of my everyday life and ordinary things because of times life these were our lives are basically taken away, it’s times like these where we wish we could go back. This virus has taken ahold of our lives and has limited us to what we can do, I miss having my freedom and I think I can speak the same for many others.

    This virus has affected many in all sorts of ways but, it’s going to have to get worst in order for things to get better. We are all waiting for the day where we finally have our freedom back and to where we can say there are no more cases of the Coronavirus seen across the world.

  4. Eli Lara
    3thr period
    The biggest change for me had to be the online classes and work. Even though it’s not much it always feels like I have something I should be doing this makes me nerves. Another thing about the schoolwork is I can no longer go to a teacher and as for actual help with my assignments rather than a quick response on remind. Not all parts of the online class is that bad some teachers even post videos to help us out with the work and that generally makes it easier to deal with the work that we receive during the week. Therefore, I am fine with the classwork but when I hear people say that the rest of the year is going to be like this it makes me worried for the rest of this semester and what comes after it. The social distancing is fine with me I get to stay home with my family and spend time together. With te social distancing a lot of people don’t see their friends that much but with social media and discord I get to spend even more time with close friends than before social distancing. Throughout this pandemic, the most important thing has been staying in touch talking to all my friends and family even though I cannot see them. This has made the stay at home life a bit less boring as I always have something to do I do class work and when that’s done I can play games with friends and family. So I guess I deal with this pandemic buy keeping my self busy if I’m not doing one thing I’m doing another. Staying occupied keeps me happy and calm in times like this.one thing that I took for granted every day was school and while I wouldn’t go as far as to say I love school I definitely miss face to face communication with all my teachers and friends. I definitely want to go back to the way things where when a trip to the grocery store wasn’t such a big deal and I could go all the places I love without thinking if I absolutely need to go there and if it’s worth the risk of being around people. But it’s alright there’s plenty of time to do things I love like reading book series or playing a game so its not all bad and at times I can even forget that this isn’t a normal life.

  5. Hannah Thomas
    3rd period Engl1302SB8
    Due to Covid 19 causing many deaths and raising concern for many nations, such as our own, we now have to take many precautions to avoid being sick such as social distancing and quarantine ourselves. This has caused many changes in our daily schedule such as myself. I suppose that one of the biggest changes for me right now is not hanging out with my friends, and doing online school now. Online school is actually not that hard seeing as how I have a lot of time to do assiments so I'm not complaining about it though. However due to me living in McAllen I don't really see my friends outside of school, unless we plan to hangout at my house but now we can't even do that,but I'm very lucky that no one I know is sick or has Covid 19. As I have complained about this whole pandemic I do agree that this is the best thing that we can do to avoid any more cases. Besides due to all of this free time I have actually have some time to learn human anatomy, and getting better with my art skills.
    I have heard that there's a good chance that this will continue for the rest of the school year while that does make me sad I think that is the best course of action in this situation. Will I miss my classes and seeing my friends in person of course however we all need to look at this situation logical so we can avoid any more cases.
    This whole pandemic should make us grateful for how easy we have it for how our lives were "normal" before. Perhaps when this is over we can all get back to normal, but for now we must enjoy our lives even in this difficult times.

  6. Albert Guerra

    During the current pandemic in regards to school work I just do the required without much extra thought. I essentially just get what I need to do done so that I may enjoy the rest of the day or week, depending on if the assignment has a due date and when exactly the due date is.
    COVID-19 has changed my life in regards to my daily and weekly lifestyle. For instance, I can no longer fall asleep anytime earlier than 3 AM, my brain and body is just so used to staying up into the early hours of the morning that it is almost impossible to force myself to sleep earlier than 3 AM. This has also made my family's life somewhat stressful as well, as my parents are now working from home and we all know that it could be challenging for them because their children are here with them all day somewhat distracting them.
    This difficult time has allowed me to realize how much I actually enjoy school and seeing my friends and family. Due to this I have been stuck at home along with basically everyone else within the United States and we all know how boring and lonely it can be at home. As humans we strain for communication, gatherings, etc. just human interaction in general, yet although this is a tough situation I know it will all get better but we each must do our part by staying home and abiding by the laws to further stop this invisible enemy.

  7. Aaron Medrano
    The way I’m coping with this situation is I’m trying my best to keep up with everything that is going on. It is a little challenging staying home all day because it can be boring sometimes and I’m not used to that. I’m used to doing something pretty much everyday, however with the outbreak of the corona virus , it has prevented me from leaving my house. It is challenging to stay home, but I understand and am aware of the situation that we are in and I am trying my best to stay home. The fact that we are quarantined means that school has been canceled and we have to continue our education online. I don’t like the idea of online classes because it is difficult to stay on task with online assignments. It is difficult because I easily get distracted from my work and I end up doing other activities rather than work. I enjoyed going to school better because there are always instructors to make sure you are on task and to assist with any assignments you need to finish. At the same time, it is not entirely bad being at home rather than school. I appreciate the fact that I don’t have to wake up early and that I can do my assignments when I decide to. I think I just need to give it time to get used to and this online school idea won’t be bad at all.
    Social distancing is also challenging because it’s boring just to stay home all day. I enjoyed going to school mainly because I got to see a lot of my friends, but with the outbreak of the virus, I haven’t been able to really see them. Not being able to see them is hard, but I don’t want to risk any chances of me getting the virus.
    Social distancing and online classes is a big change and is difficult. I think the main reason why it is difficult for me is because it’s something new, that I’ve never done before. It’s hard however like how I stated early I think I just need time to get used to everything.

  8. Samantha Perez
    Response paper #6
    Well school work is a big stress not going to lie about it since we have to adjust to all
    these teachers who reallly aren’t familiar with the internet. So it just worries me about my
    grades. It is a bit stressful. I feel like it's more work that they try to give us. I honestly spent the
    whole day on one class period just doing work. I know as well that they are scared of what's to
    come so i respect what they are doing. The whole social distancing is fine by me. Honestly it
    doesn’t feel any diffrent since my parents did not allow me to go out as much before this
    pandemic. Just sometimes wish my friends could come over atleast for an hour. Either way we're
    a big family. I don't get as bored if it was only me.
    It’s not really a big change for me since for most of my classes are online but I mean
    doing every class it kinda is. Like if we were at school i’d be okay and aware of what i'm missing
    but now i don’t really know if something as an email i sent to a teacher has reached them. I do
    hope this all gets fixed soon so i can feel more comfortable i mean we only really get to do junior
    year once it really has been a rough one as they said and life chaging.Also facetiming our
    proffesors and teachers from home are kind weird but i mean we have to adjust to it or just the
    thought of them seeing you a home is a really big changer we usually just see them at school and
    well now we don’t.
    It honestly has opened my eyes to see what things we take for granted in our everyday
    lifes. Everyone also wanted a break to come faster now look at it we’ve been in it for about a
    month. Many are graduating this year and did not get to enjoy it, might even not be able to have
    a graduation and even their last prom. Honestly, it's sad. This is the time we need to look at the
    stuff we didn’t and start to really appreciate the things we have .

  9. Vivian De Leon
    April 5, 2020
    This pandemic has evidently had a great impact on the way each of us live our daily lives. We have been forced to work from home and have had to adjust to our new working environments. Although I do enjoy working from home, it is much easier to get distracted here at home than it is at school. It has also brought my family and I closer since we have to stay home in quarantine at all times.
    This pandemic has taught me to be more responsible and get more on top of my school work as well. Since I was used to working at home when it came to our typical homework, this change didn’t seem to effect me until it came to me having to do lessons online. Being that I am no longer in a school setting, there are no more teachers to remind me of the work I have to do which means that I have to be more aware of all my daily assignments and such. Social distancing has also been quite difficult because my friends and I were so accustomed to helping each other with our school work if ever had a problem. Although we can still communicate and help each other through our cellular devices, it is not the same as seeing each other in person.
    Being stuck at home during this pandemic has also taught me not to take everything for granted. I would always leave my house without thinking about how one day that could be taken away from me. These circumstances have shown me that things can change in a split second, so it is important that we enjoy every moment we have when we are doing things that we like.

  10. Julisa Ochoa
    Response 6
    Being in this pandemic has taken a toll on everyone globally. I personally have been staying home and keeping my distance from people. This crisis has kept us to stay home, and gives me more time to concentrate on my school work. Going through online school is such a change for everyone including teachers, professors, and students, but is not a choice for anyone. The important part of this pandemic is to try to stay safe and come out stronger at the end of this dark time in America. Yes, this has been a huge change for me since I’m not used to being home. I as an athlete and involved in many clubs including nation honor society, math honor society, science honor society, and BPA; I always have a busy schedule after school. Being home all day is different for me but is not a choice for any of us. During this crisis it has reminded me of the little things we take for granted. Food is something we all take for granted. Now going to the grocery store shelves are empty, and there’s no eggs, bread, milk, etc. This makes me realize that food is an important source that can be taken for granted. As well as school is something we as students take for granted. This has affected me negatively because I wasn’t able to attend our school track district meet as a junior. We make special memories at school everyday and the virus has taken away all of this. As students we take for granted prom and graduation which is something that our Edinburg High School senior students aren’t going to experience this year. This opens my eyes that we are lucky to be able to have all these events as high school students. The Covid-19 virus has affected everyone and in such a tragic way. What we mainly take for granted is being able to go out like weddings, quinces, or even holidays. Going through this pandemic we are missing out on spending time with our families. Social distancing is going to help us realize and appreciate the time we spend together.

  11. Bryan Guerra
    This pandemic has been a drastic change. It’s affected us in many ways just like school, interaction with others, and simply our way of living. We still try to do our best based on online working for the school. It's a huge jump going from hands on in class lecture into a complete new world of being online and doing everything online, but as being our only option and only resource we can still work with it. My response to how everything is being played out right now is pretty good, yes it was difficult to adapt at first but with a couple weeks and having to get work done it got to the point where it’s easy now and things just start to facilitate once it’s a routine. However, another thing is social distancing, just being stuck at home not being able to go nowhere gets frustrating because you can’t be with your friends and hang out or even go around the corner to the store due to being scared that you might get infected. It’s horrible how you’re not secured anymore, but if staying home will help this pandemic get solved then we have to do what we have to do.
    This about moving things online and not being able to go out has been a drastic change like said before, but we have to work with what we have on our hands. The only thing to do right now is to do what is told to reduce the spread of this virus. It’s hard that we can’t do much and just be home, it’s hard that if we go out for groceries you never know if you’ll make it back in good health, and what’s worse is that the symptoms don’t kick in until a week or so, so you never know. Best way to reduce this is to be as protected as you can and not go out.
    Lastly, this pandemic teaches you that not everything is for granted. I mean you never know when something can go wrong and not only you but someone you love can actually be hurt. It’s a difficult time, a time where terror is all around the globe and things may not be the same but working together we can reduce many things.

  12. Janice Andaverde
    Proffessor Reyna
    The Pandemic
    School work has been very different online. Many of my work actually has to be done on time or else the teachers won’t take it and it goes by sometimes quick in some classes while in other classes it doesn’t. One of the things that frustrates me the most is that when I try to learn a lesson and my whole family starts to get really loud or play music. I can’t do much but to try to ignore them. I also have been socially distancing myself when it comes to going out which I have only done once to go to the grocery store. It has been really different wearing gloves at first but now mask, its not safe to go out anymore and it’s difficult to adjust to all these new changes in society. Even though I haven’t left home in 4 weeks. I’d rather stay home I don’t want to get any of my other family members sick just because I want to leave home.
    One of the biggest changes I have been faced with was that were not allowed to leave home. I am not a homebody. I love begin out and begin with people and interacting with others. Now we can’t even go to a grocery store that rarely even has the supplies we need. We even can’t be seen in the streets after 10 pm or else we will get charged a fine.
    One coping method that I learned was to stay inside my patio to do work. I like it a lot its quiet and my family hardly goes outside anyways. The change to staying indoors however has been bringing me closer to my family. There isn’t much to do anymore.

  13. This Covid-19 pandemic has mandated social distancing, and this has played a big role in my everyday activities and life! At the beginning of my Sophomore year I had so many high hopes for baseball season. I looked forward to all the great memories with my friends and baseball brothers and all that changed because of this pandemic. I can’t go to school; I can’t practice, and I can’t even go over to their house and hangout with them. Talk about a reality check quick!!

    During spring break, they told me that we had an extra week off and I was thrilled, awesome another week off from school but then the reality of what was really going on hit me...No More School until further notice! What, I can’t see my friends, I can’t play sports on top of that I had to adjust to distance learning, I didn’t sign up for this nobody did but this was our new normal. Having to adjust to online classes is different and making sure to check the assignments daily to make sure I turn in my homework on time, so I don’t fail. Emailing the teachers and wondering when they will respond back is stressful. The teachers believe since we are home all day that they need to pile on all this homework for us to do. Don’t they understand that we are up all night and sleep all day, I got use to sleeping in until lunchtime and staying up till past midnight that now my days and nights are all messed up.

    The things I took for granted was seeing my friends every day, hanging out after school on the field or hitting the cages to get in a little BP before a game. I miss the glow of the stadium lights; I miss suiting up for a game but most of all I miss interacting with everyone.

    1. Caleb Pacheco

      This Covid-19 pandemic has mandated social distancing, and this has played a big role in my everyday activities and life! At the beginning of my Sophomore year I had so many high hopes for baseball season. I looked forward to all the great memories with my friends and baseball brothers and all that changed because of this pandemic. I can’t go to school; I can’t practice, and I can’t even go over to their house and hangout with them. Talk about a reality check quick!!

      During spring break, they told me that we had an extra week off and I was thrilled, awesome another week off from school but then the reality of what was really going on hit me...No More School until further notice! What, I can’t see my friends, I can’t play sports on top of that I had to adjust to distance learning, I didn’t sign up for this nobody did but this was our new normal. Having to adjust to online classes is different and making sure to check the assignments daily to make sure I turn in my homework on time, so I don’t fail. Emailing the teachers and wondering when they will respond back is stressful. The teachers believe since we are home all day that they need to pile on all this homework for us to do. Don’t they understand that we are up all night and sleep all day, I got use to sleeping in until lunchtime and staying up till past midnight that now my days and nights are all messed up.

      The things I took for granted was seeing my friends every day, hanging out after school on the field or hitting the cages to get in a little BP before a game. I miss the glow of the stadium lights; I miss suiting up for a game but most of all I miss interacting with everyone.

  14. Andrea Guerrero

    ENGL 1302.SP8

    3rd period

    April 5, 2020

    Response 6

    In short, I have no idea how I've managed to stay sane throughout the quarantine because with the new online classes I feel like I can't do it without getting up every few minutes. I feel horrible for the seniors at our school who have to deal with their main events being cancelled due to the pandemic.

    Getting myself to do any work is a very hard task with the amount of distractions there are. Getting up at all is hard but because I know that we aren't going anywhere at all. I know we are just going to be in the house all day so what’s the point?

    Not only is it hard to focus, but I constantly have to help my brother with his homework, or I have to take care of him. Both of my parents are working from home so I have them to share my room with because the work desk is in my room and sometimes they have meetings over the phone so I have to be out of my own room from 8:00 am – 12:00 am. I get so bored all the time from just doing nothing but staying at home.

    I think what I miss the most is seeing my friends every day and interacting with them normally. They are the reason I looked forward to school, not to mention seeing my favorite teachers. Note taking is easier now, but the aspect of getting out of the house every day is what I miss. It's just sol repetitive every day. My sleep schedule has suffered severely. I don’t go to sleep until 2 am sometimes. The whole staying at home situation has been pretty tough.

  15. Cheyenne Borrego
    Coping with Quarantine
    In all honesty, I did not expect this drastic change to happen. I heard all over the news about COVID-19 and many of my teachers warning us how STC might shut down. However, I never really thought it was actually going to happen. I mentally told myself it’s just a precaution nothing serious. Now that we’ve been away from school for almost three weeks now I for sure know that this is serious. When I first heard the break was going to be extended, I felt kind of sad about it because I would miss my friends. I also noticed how it took some time getting used to all the free time I had and how my schedule wasn’t as busy as before. I am not going to look at this quarantine in a negative way, but more as a positive way to really focus on myself and my education. I’ll admit I did get a bit stressed out at first due to not keeping up with my schoolwork and procrastinating. Now I really am trying to do all of my schoolwork as early as possible so I won’t put as much stress on me. Besides online school being a drastic change, the new rules of social distancing are a bit frightening due to how serious everything is getting. It’s frightening that there are more and more cases developing, how many lives COVID-19 has taken, how contagious this disease is, and how some people are still not taking this seriously. Being quarantined isn’t all that bad for me due to the fact that I’m an introvert, so I don’t really mind it. However, everyone else that are extroverts must be taking it really hard at this time. One more positive thing about being quarantine is that global warming has decreased and that is amazing. Nevertheless, when we really think about it our normal everyday lives can be taken from us in an instant. We don’t realize how we take things for granted and how we don’t care enough for the small things. Most importantly places or things don’t really matter because at the end of the day our families are what matter the most.

  16. Bianca Garcia
    3rd period
    ENGL1302 SB8
    I generally like staying at home and watching YouTube videos all day but even I have had enough of staying at home and doing nothing but watching videos and doing school work. Before the pandemic I hated having to go to school and having to wake up early to go to a place I didn’t even like. Now I would do anything to go back to school so I can see my friends and hang out with them. I know I can easily text them and video chat with them, but it’s not the same as actually hanging out with them in person. I wish I could spend my time in quarantine doing absolutely whatever I want to pass the time, but sadly I cannot. My time is spent trying to complete all the work that is getting assigned to me. I feel like the teachers are trying to compensate for not being able to teach us in person and are giving us mountains of work to complete. I feel more stressed out now than I ever did in real school. I also feel like online schooling is not really working that well since I’m not really learning anything with any of the assignments being given to me. I am extremely lucky to have access to a computer and the internet, but some people are not as lucky and this whole online learning experience will cause them to fall behind their peers. I have heard that there are plans to stop the current school year and just focus on the next one. I hope they do cancel the rest of this school year so I can focus solely on college classes and not on high school classes, which is where most of my work load is coming from. This pandemic has caused a lot of negative things to happen in my life but there are some positives. I have, for the first time in my life, a good sleeping schedule. I usually would come to school on less than 5 hours of sleep but now I sleep a good amount. I have also created a school work schedule to ensure I don’t fall behind on my assignments and procrastinate, like I usually do during the normal school year. I also love the freedom that comes with online learning. A teacher gives you an assignment and you don’t have to finish it right away, you can choose when and at what time you start and finish the assignment. I never thought things would get this serious, but now that they have it has really opened my eyes to how dangerous this virus is.

  17. Clarissa Martinez
    3rd period.
    Engl1302 SB8
    During this pandemic we have school online, and it is hectic. I feel we are assigned more work now than when we had face to face classes. Especially for the students who don’t have internet access at home, like me. I have to stay at my aunts to do my work online due to not having internet access at home. I'm slowly adjusting to this change, that will last who knows how long. I try keeping myself occupied by playing board games with my cousins, or watch a netflix series. I stay at home during the weekend when I don’t have homework with my mom, we don’t do anything except talk to each other. This pandemic has really opened my eyes to what lots of us take for granted such as just simply going out to the store for groceries, or out to school. As much of us complain about school we enjoy face to face classes rather than online. At school we’re able to ask a question and get a response in seconds and now with online courses it takes hours. This Pandemic has changed a lot of things for me and my peers I hope to go back to school, but I really doubt we will. Which sucks for the seniors that won't be able to walk like the seniors from the past years. I hope in a few months we will go back to normal again, and we will have an idea how to control this virus.
