1st Period

If you have any questions please submit your questions here.


  1. Averi Castaneda
    ENGL 1302 SK3
    April 1st, 2020
    Coping With Quarantine
    Honestly, when it comes to coping with quarantine and the amount of schoolwork I am
    receiving, I am very overwhelmed. It feels as though we are receiving a heavier workload now
    through our online classes than we were when we were actually going on campus. I’ve been
    successfully coping with social distancing, but it has really taken a toll on me as a person and it
    has really been affecting my self-esteem due to the lack of social variety that I’m used to getting.
    I participated in Drama Club, and not being able to see my directors, friends, or express myself
    through my acting has been extremely disheartening. Moving on, this crisis has been an
    enormous change for me. I am extremely used to getting out of my house every single day and
    having a set routine for my mornings and afternoons. Now that I’m running on my own schedule,
    everything feels almost out of place. I never thought I’d miss going to school so much. I even
    miss the classes I hated going to and would constantly complain about. I genuinely miss hearing
    the freshmen yelling in the halls before first period, even if they were annoying. The virus hit me
    harder than I thought it would, even if I haven't been directly affected by it. I know I am only a
    high school student, but I honestly feel like my Junior year has been taken away from me
    because of this. I miss being able to go outside and walk my dogs or go out to get McDonalds
    after theatre practice. I miss everything about the clubs I was in and even walking in the halls to
    each class. This sounds very sad and somber, but I am really heartbroken (for lack of a better
    word) by the measures we have to take in order for us, as a society, to stay safe.

  2. Heliberto Rodriguez
    This pandemic has really affected my daily lifestyle in both ways. Normally going to school and learning for half a day was easy. Now to cope with this teaches will need to over flow students with work. Especially people like me who procrastinate. Now that I don’t have a physical teacher in front of me starting my work is more difficult than it was before. For a fact the homework is the most excruciating problem due to this coronavirus for me.

    Social distancing wasn't a problem seems as if I've been doing it before the pandemic occurred. I mean staying home in bed either binge watching anime or playing video games with the homies online. Almost seems too good to be true but then you get hit with the load of work from school. With the memes the coronavirus has produced some might take the corona virus as a joke. In reality the memes makes us have a laugh even after living during some hard times that will go down in history.

    I don’t take anything for granted I'm actually thankful I can sleep, game, and watch Anime. Just because someone ate a bat life couldn’t get better. Now that the corona virus has reached our hospital the seriousness has increased. Some doctors even claim it just started. Means more vacation for me basically.

    Huge changes that have occurred is the school and their way in working with homework. Looking at the bright side we don’t have to wake up early. Plus, this means no more Tik Tok girls dancing in class and hallways. I think this pandemic is more seen as a savior.

    This pandemic has really shocked the world by surprise. Especially when we start realizing how we have everything organized. When one thing changes it affects everything in our whole lifestyle. In the end we should keep safe and follow the safety procedures necessary for the coronavirus. Stay safe and wear a mask because you won’t catch me slacking when the Chinese kid starts coughing.

  3. Victoria Garza
    Response 6

    As of right now, everything is very hectic and chaotic due to the Corona Virus outbreak. Currently we are being held in quarantine and we have to be social distancing. It is hard because I cannot see my loved ones, including my friends and family. I am not used to being away from people, I am usually constantly around others whether it is at school or just going out with my family. I started taking more college classes this semester which require putting more school hours during the after school period. I am also a part of my school’s Color Guard team; I was always busy with practices and doing little things with them as well. My season was also cut short because of the virus. Although, now that school has been postponed, this has completely thrown off what I am used to doing.
    All forms of schooling has been moved online and it has its pros and cons. Some of the pros are being able to have more time to get assignments done. Some cons would be now us as students are expected to understand lessons through videos and notes and that is a challenge for many students because a lot of us are used to picking up new content through lectures. Some other problems we run into are issues with internet connections and glitches on websites necessary for our schooling.
    I think something we have all realized we have taken for granted is our loved ones and our lives in general. Because of the virus, we can no longer see our families because of social distancing and some are also unfortunately losing members of their family to the virus. We take our everyday lives for granted because we will complain that we do not want to go to somewhere because we’re tired, and now we are all forced to stay home. This strength of this virus caught us all off guard and now we realize what we took for granted now that it’s gone.

  4. Julissa Vasquez
    Response 6
    During this pandemic the way that I am managing with my school work is so hard. Doing work for eight classes is not easy the reason why is because each day for every class they give me work and its a lot to do and to understand. Then it has to be turned in the same week for the same day for all classes.

    I am struggling so much with my work online the reason why is because it is hard to be managing with so much work which it ain’t the same as being in school. I could be stuck on something that I might not know and need help but asking the teacher for help online isn't the same. Doing work online is not the same as doing it in school where the teacher can help not only me but others as well to understand something that we need help with.

    Not going to school has made the biggest change for everyone we have to deal with learning how to do something by watching videos that explain how to do something. When I watch a video of information needed to know how to do something I don't pay close attention because I get many distractions for example my phone I don't have a teacher to tell me put your phone away or to tell me do you need any help.

    I now understand how important school is for me, going to school has helped us learn many things thanks to our wonderful teachers that take their time to help us understand in what we need help. Our teachers make an effort everyday to show all their classes something new for us to learn they are very patient with us. They put up with us and they are still their making an effort to help us out. I believe that we as students should become more grateful with our teachers because we do need them. During this pandemic I need more help trying to learn something I just hope that we go back to school very soon.

    School is very important and now that this pandemic had to occur is where we understand that. Going to school makes us get more educated I just hope that everything goes back to how it was.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Kassandra Sandoval 4/5/20
    Engl 1302.Sk3
    At first I was making jokes about corona and laughing at all the memes people were posting on
    Twitter. After I started getting more informed about corona I realized this virus was actually serious and that’s when school announced we were getting a second week added onto our spring break. At first staying at home was fun and relaxing because I got to sleep late and wake up at two in the afternoon. I’ve tried to make changes in my daily routine and actually do something productive during this break like working out everyday and eating somewhat healthy. But after three weeks of doing the same thing I started to get frustrated. The good part about being quarantined is that my teachers have been assigning me easy assignments so I haven’t been as stressed as I was before when I was going to school. Although the only hard class I am struggling with is my algebra 2 class. I don’t have the best interest in completing math assignments and I constantly have to ask my teacher for help , but I don’t have the luxury of having her right beside me to help me when I need it.
    I didn’t think I would ever say this in a million years but I actually miss school very much even though it was a pain to wake up early everyday and spend nine hours of my day getting work done. I’m actually sad because at school I got the chance to socialize with my friends about homework and grades and I had something to occupy myself everyday. I miss going out on the weekends with my friends as well and I’m starting to get tired of being with my family everyday because we don’t get along very well. I realized that I took everything for granted and this virus has changed my view on certain things. I always used to say I hated school and I wanted summer to come faster but I didn’t expect this to happen and now that we actually can’t go back I’m saying the total opposite. I’m also thinking about how lucky I was to have the chance to go out and do stuff. Imagine living in a world where we’re just trapped in our houses for the rest of our lives, that would be very depressing. But the most important thing I did take for granted was my health. I was very stubborn because I wanted to go out and I kept complaining to my mom that nothing would happen to me if she just let me go to my friends house because I thought it wasn’t a big deal since we lived in the valley. But, the numbers of people testing positive for Corona rose and thousands of people all around the world have been dying. I’m grateful that I’m healthy and taking precautions to avoid being in that situation. I hope after all of this is over we can all go back to our normal lives and start appreciating everything because it’s things like this virus that can just strip everything away from us and keep us from living our lives. To my fellow classmates and my professor please continue on social distance yourself by staying home , and washing your hands. Unfortunately, everything is going to get worse before it gets better but hang in there. I miss you all!!

  7. Ariel Cantu
    Without a doubt, this pandemic has flipped my world and everyone else’s upside down. We can’t stay out after ten at night and everything is closed. This is just insane to think about because this has never happened before. As I am staying home, there is still lots of schoolwork to finish and still AP tests to take. Although, the work the teachers are giving us through Google Classroom is a lot more than in their classes. I believe that social distancing is hard to do especially if we have divorced parents. Having to text my Dad instead of see him is honestly heartbreaking to me because he still goes to work and may be exposed to the virus.
    In many ways, social distancing can be hard, it can also be good. For example, instead of waking up early in the morning every day for school, I can wake up at whatever time to do classwork. Also, a longer due date on assignments gives me a relief from all the times my teachers would stress me out for classwork. It is easy to do assignments for classes but having to learn Pre-Calculus through a youtube video is kind of a challenge not having my teacher be face to face teaching. This pandemic has taken a toll on the world and is getting worse as the days go by, it is very sad to hear the uprising of numbers in Hidalgo County. Being stuck at home during this crisis might drive me insane but I would rather be stuck at home than sick from the virus.
    Incredibly, I would say I took for granted the days I would spend time with my Dad. Covid-19 took away so much from everyone. I would love to just go shopping again or go on a trip somewhere because I am getting bored of the same routine. I don’t want to wake up in my house with no conversations with my family. I will be staying at home but I hope I can leave my house soon. My birthday is also going to be ruined by this pandemic but I will have to make the best out of being here another day.

  8. Alejandro Guerra
    Engl 1302.SK3
    Response 6
    Now that COVID-19 has successfully managed to turn the world into a panic everything is completely altered. The sudden change from attending school for learning to having to do everything online via google classroom and blackboard is a little iffy. I'm not sure if it's just me but it seems that ever since we made the switch to online courses the teachers have been assigning way more work than they normally would in a typical school work or day. In their defense we do have a lot more time to get things done as we're at home now instead of only a 50 minute period. Social distancing is a new thing that took us all by surprise to help prevent the spread of the virus. Although it's necessary to ensure absolute safety and health of others it's such a weird feeling or adaptation to adjust to. Most of us were so used to socializing on a day to day basis that this practice will take some time getting used. I can speak for the vast majority of us when I say we all miss being around our friends whether it be during school hours or on the weekends. This has been a semi-big change for me as I was so accustomed to waking up early every morning and attending school. Now I stay up almost every night till almost 6, wake up around noon, and do my schoolwork, workout, watch movies, or play video games for most of the time I'm awake. In a sense of taking this things for granted this has shown us all a large deal. We were all used to the idea of waking up almost every morning and attending school or going to work. It was a lifestyle that we were sure would always be normal. Then this virus got entirely out of control and all of sudden the way we do things on a day to day basis has been completely altered. I guess what I'm getting at is that this virus outbreak has shown us that sudden events can occur that can change everything as we know or are used to doing in an instant. Of course, someday everything will be better and life may return to "normal" but that won't be for another few months if anything. Until then we just have to make due with what we have and continue to push forward and get used to this new life we live virtually.

  9. Deanndra Martinez
    ENGL 1302.SK3
    Response 6
    All these changes from this pandemic, such as schooling and social distancing, have really made a huge impact on people all around the world. Adapting to these changes, for me, has been quite difficult and completely overwhelming.
    Doing school online was a huge change for me that I assumed wouldn’t be too difficult. However, coping with online classes seems even more complicated and time consuming than before, although it may be about the same amount of work we would usually do daily. Since we have to remain home, rather than going to school for half the day, actually motivating myself to begin assignments or watch lectures is extremely dreadful. Along with that, I’m constantly getting distracted and off task majority of the time that I’m supposed to be doing my schoolwork. Interacting with teachers about lessons and asking for help on homework isn’t as easy as if you were to do it in person either. Asking for help, or an explanation, online takes way longer for a response and may be harder to understand.
    Another way the pandemic has changed my lifestyle is by having to practice social distancing. Having to deal with social distancing is hard as well, since I cant see my family and friends as much as I would usually do. However, the person I miss the most is my dad, who hasn’t been able to come visit in a couple of weeks due to all these precautions from this pandemic. However, although I may not be able to see my family and friends, social distancing has given me a lot if time to learn and try new things around my home.
    Overall, this pandemic really showed me that we take the littlest things for granted when we should really cherish them. Whether its by being grateful for being able to attend school or by spending every moment you have with your family and friends.

  10. Gabriella Rodriguez
    ENGL 1302 SK3
    April 3rd, 2020
    Response 6
    Without a doubt, quarantine has felt like it’s turned my entire world upside down. Most of us teenagers were simply making jokes when the matter wasn’t affecting us but now that it’s actually here, our parents are making us live in complete fear because of how little information we have on this new virus COVID-19.
    Just to begin with, I have so little motivation to do any sort of homework and some of my teachers just seem to want pile it up without thinking that we are probably going completely mad because we can’t leave our homes. Doing homework online is quite different, especially now since there’s only notes to follow, and sometimes it is difficult to get in reach of teachers, the negative with this is some students might start to fall behind. Though sometimes it is annoying, I do appreciate the work at times because it gives me something to do, but in my opinion the work that extra circulars are assigning, are really unneeded, students should be focusing on work instead of doing things that are not as important at the moment, this simply doesn’t make any sense.
    This entire pandemic has taught me that I should be more applicative of being able to live without any worries, there’s rules for everything now, the city even has a curfew! This is becoming so serious, that when I had to have a FaceTime my doctor for slight congestion, he prescribed me four different medications to take. I’ve also learned that I never knew how much I actually enjoy human interaction. When things were still normal, I was almost never alone and always had something to do. I genuinely can’t handle my family at this point and everything about then annoys me, the same boring routine is honestly putting a major affect on the way I’m feeling. I really miss school and I really do hope that we return once things get better, if not, I do hope that I get better at coping with the situation at hand. I think the best thing to do at this point is stay inside and try to keep a positive mindset. Hope everyone is doing alright, please stay everyone!

  11. Virginia Avalos
    ENGL 1302.Sk3
    Response 6
    The corona virus and I have not gotten along, as I can only imagine how everyone else is feeling. Although we are all in quarantine, and we should be feeling a lot less stressed since we are no longer in school to feel the pressures of it all. Many of my teachers are still bombarding me with tons of assignments. This is making feel so very stressed, the due dates are just so very close together and they give me anxiety along with all the terrible news being talked about. Social Distancing did not really have an effect on me because I already gave space to the people around me. When the news announced the new law of Social Distancing, it wasn’t as overwhelming. I feel like people aren’t really distancing from each other correctly. For instance, when I went to Wal-Mart, there were obviously places to stand on. The woman behind me was coughing very loudly and was standing right behind me, and no employees were there to direct the people on how far to be from each other. This crisis has taught me so much, and it’s barely started. It’s shown me how much of an effect social media has on people, by posting fake news and things that never really happened. I’ve learned that I really do not like being at school. Even though we are all in quarantine and can’t do much, I’d much rather be at home than at school. Of course, I miss my friends and teachers. But some things just do not compare to being at home. I was very frightened the first time I saw the blank shelves at grocery stores, this sent me into a panic of wondering what was going to happen to my family and I. This pandemic has shown me how selfish people can be by stocking up on surplus amounts of things they already have. I’ve seen how my own grandfather can not leave his house because he has the highest possibility of contracting the virus. So my family has taken it upon ourselves to make sure he is okay and cared for. Overall, this pandemic has been a terrible experience for me. My sleep is very messed up, my days mostly consist of watching movies while doing my homework. But I have also taken this time to better myself, by eating much healthier and making better decisions.

  12. Massimo Salinas
    ENGL 1302 SK3
    April 5th, 2020
    Response 6
    Corona Coping Response

    As of recently, a new pandemic has swept the world, one that has caused mass panic and has heavily affected the lives of everyone involved when it comes to school, jobs, and just about anything that involves going outside and interacting with others. As a teenager, having access to the internet makes the situation worse as I have experienced fear mongering and false info regarding the pandemic in terms of total death count or fatality rate. Many influencers I follow on social media or watch on Youtube are covering corona like they are reliable news outlets, simply expressing their opinion when it could be subject to change or isn’t based on evidence. In America, many jobs, schools, and businesses have had to quarantine their employees and students to prevent any possible carriers from spreading the disease, in my case the quarantine allows for more free time. Personally, I believe the quarantine has its pros and cons, with the pros being that I can finally start working out at home instead of writing notes for two hours. The stress from constantly taking home papers and getting assigned multiple projects has been eased as my online courses have been giving me less work, not only that but they’re assignments that I can finish on my phone in twenty minutes from the comfort of my bed. As for the cons, I can’t see my friends or my partner anytime. Where I would normally laugh and interact with my friends at school or any public space is no longer possible since the enforcement of social distancing. Something simple like grocery shopping isn’t even possible since there isn’t even anything to shop for. Necessities like water, canned foods and most importantly toilet paper are almost non-existent as almost every aisle is empty. The only way I can cope with this pandemic is to just live my life like I would any other day, just with more caution with what I’m touching or who I’m talking to.

  13. Kobe Valdez
    Professor Reyna
    English 1302 SP
    As of right now the way ive been dealing with going my homework is really hard because I don't have a laptop and typing makes me take way longer than it usually would. This virus isn't only affecting my school work it is affecting everything i haven't been allowed to go anywhere and im not the most social person but i do miss going my to friends house to go play basketball or to just hag out. This virus had scared so many people especially in the valley people were over buying water and toilet paper for no reason the virus hadn't even gotten here yet and people were already freaking out. People are very gullible and scared and the people who are in power spreading fake news lier the real number of cases and deaths are responsible for the lack of essentials that many household are currently lacking. I never really considered the fact that i might ever face something this serious during my lifetime ,this is something that will be studied or mentioned during history classes in the future and we are living are life ,our prime life when we should be extremely social and having fun, during this serious pandemic. School work isn't hard the problem is being home and having the option of doing it later when we could do something else is what's putting me behind. Even with all the downs this pandemic has brought it has finally given me time to work out seriously with my older brother and i don't have to worry about packets and assignments from teacher due in the morning so I can pace myself and do it throughout the day. This has actually ruined many students experience like the seniors won't get the full experience of graduation and going out with friends and having trips this pandemic had made life hard for everyone.

  14. Caleb noriega
    Engl 1302 sk3

    Response #6
    The pandemic we are all facing is being a pain in the rear. We have had to do things that bring us out of our comfort zone. Many of us have had a hard time dealing with such a pandemic due to the fact that we are extroverted and we need human interaction. The answer to how are you coping with all of this is a short one. We are surviving and that's putting it plainly. There is so much to do to keep our minds off the pandemic but there is still that overwhelming fear that maybe if i do this i will get sick. The change hasn't been a huge one. The only difference is having to deal with my parents when they are awake. Trying to deal with all the online homework is not that hard, i'm just trying to juggle all of it together and work at home. In life everyone tends to take things for granted. In todays society every person takes their freedom for granted. you never know what you have until it's gone and that is what some are learning in this pandemic. Don't take anything for granted because you never know when it is going to be gone. One of the hardest things we have to understand is when something is gone sometimes they never come back. We never know when or if this pandemic will end. The people of power are spitting out dates for us to go back but it is only to spread hope among the people. People are coping with this covid-19 the best way they know how and not many know how. Our hospitals are overflowing and our systems are all failing. This is the lowest we have seen our country because most of us were too young to see the last time our economy was this messed up. All i have to say is we will get through it because that is what we do. As the human race none of us wants to die. we will fight the pandemic.
