Friday, March 13, 2020

Essay 2

Watch the following doc:
Banksy Documentary

Essay 2
  • Click Here For Essay Prompt
  • Provide An Outline Toulmin Model 
  • Pick two Banksy Works of Art (Include them at the end of your essay)
  • Upload on Blackboard (Course Content / Submit through SafeAssign)
  • Due: 3/23

Supplemental Videos Links:


  1. the documentary is age restricted. in order to watch the video, i must be logged into a google account that belongs to someone who is over 18. i attempted watching it without being logged into an account, but it says i must be logged into one in order to view it. i am not sure if i am the only one experiencing this problem, but i just wanted to bring this to your attention

    1. Can you create another google account, or select that you are over 18? I'll supplement it with something else just in case.
